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Experience with returning makeup?


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It just seems wrong to me, but Ulta says they will take returns.  


I feel kind of funny about it - but I just bought something on the pricey side that is just not going to work.   If it were cheaper I'd suck it up.


If you have returned makeup you've tried at home, I'm wondering - is it no questions asked?   Do they inspect it?    Quiz you?



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If it's their policy, then I'd take advantage of it.


My guess is it only becomes a problem is you're doing that all the time.


I used to never return stuff, even if I had never worn/used them, and they didn't work.  I felt guilty.


I got over it.  Now I really appreciate companies with nice return policies. 

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I have on several occasions.  If it was a cheap product I tend to just toss it but when I'm buying the big $$$ brands and it doesn't work for me I will return it.  Only once have a felt the questioning was a little pushy and I was uncomfortable.  Usually, they simply ask why your returning it (I believe they have to put that in the computer).

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I've returned make-up, it's why I buy from Sephora, because I know they will take it back if I don't like it.  I feel like that in the end I save money, since often when I buy cheaper stuff if I don't like it I trash it.  I haven't shopped much at Ulta, it's far away, but I would not hesitate to take use their return policy. They are building their business on good customer service.

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They account for a certain amount of damaged products, returns and theft in pricing their products.  You pay a little bit more money each time you buy something to cover for those costs of everyone overall.  It is like a little insurance policy if you will.  LOL 


Their policy allows for returns, because they know that you can't just pick something blind out of a bottle and have it work every time.  They would rather have a few returns, than to have testers out for every single product.


If you don't like it, don't keep it!  Return it, guilt free and appreciate that you have a cosmetics store that has that policy.  

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