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So, you don't know when you will hear something good about your school choices from your kids...


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today, ds19 and I were in the car together. He was talking about a geology class he's taking this year. It made me think of the Earth Science class I designed for him when he was in 8th grade (the beginning of 8th grade for him was seven years ago). I had him using two texts, plus a course from the Teaching Co. He said those Teaching Co. lectures were really great. He said they were very interesting and he still remembers the stuff covered.


I had always put tons of effort into choosing curriculum. I focused on geology because ds had had chemistry, physics and biology. However, after the year started, I thought I'd missed the mark with science. I remember thinking that year--ds must really hate these lectures, this must be so boring to him, etc. He never told me he liked any of it.


For some context, ds is 2E and we've had a rocky time through the teen years.


Anyway, it made me happy to hear about something  my ds thought I did right years later.





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Isn't it great how some things stick in our heads? I wasn't homeschooled, but I still remember when I was in grade 1 or 2 and was having trouble learning how to tell time. My mom got my brother to teach me - he drew circles and made up diagrams and did a great job. Man, must have been 40 years ago. Now if I could remember anything current, I'd be laughing! ;)

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I had one of those moments too. Recently ds1 told me he's glad we sent him to the private school he graduated from. He didn't love it while he was there and was resistant to going there for high school in the first place. (We had homeschooled up until then.) But now, after a year of college he told me that if we'd sent him to the local public school--when we decided it was time to stop homeschooling him--he'd probably have gotten into trouble. His school was small enough for him to grow into adulthood without having to face certain social challenges typical in many of our local schools. It was the first time he'd ever said anything nice about his school years.

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