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Wii, where in the world do you get one of these? anyone? m

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We are looking to purchase one for Christmas. Wow, they are still no where to be found. We live in a smaller community and our Best Buy says they maybe get 10 a month. Does anyone know where to get one? Do you have to buy online? Can you buy online?

Don't know the first thing about these, but thought it would be a fun Christmas gift as we live in a place that is very cold and very snowy in the winter.



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Try wiialerts.com. They will also show where you can purchase bundles online - it might be easier that way.


I lucked out with our wii. The first place I lloked was Target shortly after it opened that morning and they had one in stock.


It was harder to find wii fit. I happened to be walking by a Radio Shack, saw a display box and walked in - they had just started taking orders for home delivery that hour! I did notice that they kept a waiting list and were calling the people on it. Other storres don't seem to do that.


But if I had to do it again - I would buy a bundle online - you will eventually buy the extras anyway.

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Dh picked one up at Costco a few weeks ago. They're kept at wall behind the the checkout end of the store. He had to purchase it immediately, he was not allowed to place it in his cart and continue shopping or have them hold it until he was ready to check out.

ToysRUs did have some on their website but it's been a few weeks since I noticed that.


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We got ours at Best Buy!


We called and asked them when they get their Wii shipments. They gave us the date and we were there when the store opened that day (along with 20 other people) and we walked out with our Wii!!


(That was August of last year....so if you want one for Christmas, now is the time!! They'll become harder to find the closer you get to December!)

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