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Okay, I get it now.


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I remember reading other people's posts about how, when their kids hit their teen years, they seemed to turn into completely different people.  I didn't get it then. I believed you all, but I just didn't get it.  Now I do.


Today, I took dd to the store to try on some fall clothes.  While she was in the fitting room and I was waiting outside, another young woman (early 20s) came into the fitting room and overheard our conversation.  I happened to be doing very well being calm and letting things roll off my back.  When we got ready to leave and give the other woman the fitting room, after dd had left, the other woman turned to me and said, "I'm going to go home and apologize to my mom."  LOL

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Oh, yes, I can remember feeling pretty smug about my perfect son when my boss would tell me stuff about her teen.  Then my boy became a teen.  I apologized to her.

I also have a much greater understanding of my mother now that my dd is a teen.


But I believe this is normal developmental behavior so that we are happy to see the back of them as they leave for college.

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I remember reading other people's posts about how, when their kids hit their teen years, they seemed to turn into completely different people.  I didn't get it then. I believed you all, but I just didn't get it.  Now I do.


Today, I took dd to the store to try on some fall clothes.  While she was in the fitting room and I was waiting outside, another young woman (early 20s) came into the fitting room and overheard our conversation.  I happened to be doing very well being calm and letting things roll off my back.  When we got ready to leave and give the other woman the fitting room, after dd had left, the other woman turned to me and said, "I'm going to go home and apologize to my mom."  LOL


:lol: :lol: :lol: 


It hasn't happened here yet, but it's happening all around me with DD12's friends and their moms. I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop. In the meantime, I've used all the sage advice I've gleaned here about dealing with teens to parent my DD9 for the last few years  :banghead: If she's going to get harder to live with when she hits the teen years, I'm moving to Alaska.

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