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What is Algebra 1 EXT?

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I registered my ds in our local public high school as a freshman after hs for 8th grade. We picked up the class schedule yesterday and the listing for his math class is "Algebra 1 EXT (YR 1)". Has anyone ever heard of this?


When I spoke to the counselor in the spring, I specifically said that he is ready for Algebra 1. We spent a lot of time and effort bringing his math skills up so that he'd be ready. Now, I'm afraid they've put him in a remedial class but I'm not sure because I don't know what EXT means. I have a call in to the school but they're having "trouble with the phone system" so I had to leave a message. Thought I'd ask here while I wait impatiently for a return call. :)

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I think that it means Algebra 1 - Extended - Year 1, implying that there would be a year 2 when he is a sophomore.  But I am sure that the school will explain it, sooner or later. I would not classify this as a remedial class. But I think that it many places they have mandated that all 9th graders take Algebra I.  So, by splitting it into two years it is true that all 9th graders attempt Algebra I. Actually, it is better to do it this way than to have kids fail and repeat.  When I was a public school teacher, (years ago) my county was just starting to experiment with 9th grade algebra for everyone.  At that time, Algebra I had the highest failure rate of all high school classes, all teachers, all schools, everything averaged together.  So various counties started trying this idea of Algebra I in two years.


So, I do not know that it is the right level or the wrong level for your son, but do not be worried yet!  There is probably some sort of placement test that you can take to prove his skills.  Or, if you can find a list of the objectives for Pre-Algebra in your county, you can compare that to the textbook that you used last year and show what he has already learned.  In any case, even if it takes until school starts, there is always a process the first week of school for schedule changes. 


Good luck with them calling you back.  But be patient, honestly this is a very difficult time of the year for counselors. All of them get into this career to help kids - not to do endless paperwork!

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I registered my ds in our local public high school as a freshman after hs for 8th grade. We picked up the class schedule yesterday and the listing for his math class is "Algebra 1 EXT (YR 1)". Has anyone ever heard of this?


When I spoke to the counselor in the spring, I specifically said that he is ready for Algebra 1. We spent a lot of time and effort bringing his math skills up so that he'd be ready. Now, I'm afraid they've put him in a remedial class but I'm not sure because I don't know what EXT means. I have a call in to the school but they're having "trouble with the phone system" so I had to leave a message. Thought I'd ask here while I wait impatiently for a return call. :)


Here it would mean that it was "extended". Here this usually means the first half of a 2 part course.


ETA: Just noticed someone else posted the same thing.  Here it might not be a two year course though. It might mean 2 semesters instead of 1 because we use the block system in this county.


No idea what it would be anywhere else, though.




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Thanks! Yes, I feel bad for all the paperwork & chaos that encompasses everyone at the high school this time of year!


There's a time slot on Monday for changes to Freshman schedules so I can always wait for that. I've tried searching and can find no information (even in the Academic Guide given to us at the end of 8th grade) which leads me to believe that it's a new thing.


Also, my dd took Algebra 1 in 8th grade & Geometry as a Freshman (2 years ago) so I can't really use her as a reference. Algebra 1 (or higher) taken in Freshman year is the standard for our district and I know there's plenty of kids who struggle.


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I talked to the secretary in the counseling office (all counselors were in meetings) & she said this is a new class, Algebra 1 taken over 2 years. That's pretty much all she knows & I need to speak to a counselor during the allotted time for schedule changes.


I'm concerned that he was placed in this class because he was homeschooled last year, so they have no record of his pre-Algebra class. (Our state doesn't require curriculum submissions for homeschool.) Also, he didn't take the standardized state test last year because it wasn't needed for 8th grade homeschoolers.


I plan on bringing his records from pre-Algebra with me and really hoping it's enough to get him into regular Algebra 1. My ds worked so hard on Math last year by his own initiative so that he would be ready for high school algebra. He'd be disappointed if he wasn't in the "regular" class and I think he'd be bored by the slower pace. He's not gifted in math but he seems to "get" algebra concepts easily and he likes working quickly.

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I would be really concerned about this. This is not a good track for anyone aimed at anything higher than a community college. I would only consider it to be the correct placement if he were still struggling with pre-algebra.


I would advocate very strongly for him to be placed in a standard one-year algebra class.

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He's been switched to the regular Algebra 1. The counselor said he was placed in the other class because there were no records since he was homeschooled last year and was at a charter school out of district for the 2 years before that. She looked at the table of contents for the pre-Algebra text I'd brought & then signed off on it. She advised him to see her if the class moved too fast or too slow and then she could help him find an alternative. It was all very civilized!

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She advised him to see her if the class moved too fast or too slow and then she could help him find an alternative.

There is extra help for if anytime someone happen to fall behind due to illness or whatever reasons. Also if this is the first year back at B&M, keep a lookout for any missed deadlines using your parent account.

A family friend found out much later that his child was overdue for assignments and did not take advantage of the extra help. His child end up doing credit recovery over summer.

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Sounds very civilized and I'm thrilled everything worked out.


Since math has been a weak area for him before, make sure you help him stay on top of the subject. It's one of the subjects that it's very, very difficult to catch up once you get a little bit behind, and algebra is absolutely foundational to further mathematical study. Check (as Arcadia said) for missing assignments or for low weekly grades, and help him use the weekend to understand last week's work before moving on into a new week.

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