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The Core

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So, The Core...useful homeschooling resource or long advertisement for classical conversations?


I've read TWTM and Latin Centered Cuurculum and was going to get into Dorothy Sayers next, but was just invited to a book club doing The Core. I do love reading about classical education, and grabbing ideas from here and there but I'm not interested in CC right now. Many of the book club members are CCers.

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I didn't like The Core at all. Her writing was so vague, wordy and just boring. There was too much of WHY the classical way throughout the book but very little of HOW to do it. I wanted a more detailed guideline or at least her own stories with her children but it failed in both. If she calls herself "a leader in home-based education," why wouldn't she talk about how her children turned out as a result rather than describing her own educational/career background in detail? Just a few random anecdotes on memory work were not enough meat for me. And she didn't openly advertise CC in the book but she did talk about how she started CC and how popular it became nationwide. I don't know... she came across to me more as a successful business woman rather than a homeschooling mentor.

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Thanks for sharing your opinion of it, Moon. It's been a long time since I've read it, and I'm curious if my opinion will be less favorable knowing what I know now. It was one of the first homeschool books I read, right after WTM - which I definitely preferred. I'm planning to speed read The Core again this week.

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Thanks for sharing your opinion of it, Moon. It's been a long time since I've read it, and I'm curious if my opinion will be less favorable knowing what I know now. It was one of the first homeschool books I read, right after WTM - which I definitely preferred. I'm planning to speed read The Core again this week.

Oh, my opinions are usually unpopular here and often get lost in translation so don't let my straightforward comment affect your impression on the book. ;) I'm sure some people liked The Core for reasons but to me, TWTM, Rebecca Rupp's Homeschool Year by Year, Colfax's Homeschooling for Excellence, Frech's Teaching in Your Tiara and even Cathy Duffy's 101 Top Picks were much more helpful.

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