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For today only!


It's just been 'one of those days' (weeks?) and I needed a place to hide, chat, and eat comfort food.  Do you know how hard it is to find gluten-free comfort food that is corn-free to boot? *sigh*


Anyone started school yet? Started and thinking about stopping for awhile to regroup? (Pick me, pick me!) Wondering if you're insane for trying to do this for yet another year, while also trying to keep 

the house clean, dishes washed, laundry done, etc?


Anyone want to run away with me to the mountains for a week? a month?


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Nowhere near starting school yet.  Still have to map out history and science.


Run away to the mountains???  Here's what has happened to me in the mountains today:


A 20yo drove drunk and killed himself 2 miles from the intersection we would have crossed at almost that exact minute, 7:30-something this morning.  Is it uncaring that I'm glad the curve kept him away from my family?


Then I left 3 kids home while I went 3 miles down the road to get milk.  Got back in my car, turned the ignition, and nothing happened.  Realized the dd at home didn't have a phone since other dd took it to day camp today.  Called dh (3 hours away) to deal with our mechanic, called Camp DD to call our neighbor (whose number is in her phone, not mine) to let other dd know what was going on.  Eventually got a lift home from the mechanic only to discover the neighbor never talked to other dd, who had now waited nearly an hour and a half for my 15 minute trip.  Then got an attitude from the day camp people for needing to talk to Camp DD and try to arrange a ride home for her, which took 2 hours to confirm.


Also, I finally started to stain my front porch and didn't think to wear gloves.  It took forever to clean off and there's still some in my hair.


I want to run away from the mountains.

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Can we get a beautiful cabin that has no spiders, mice or other creep crawly things in it?  Ohhh, someplace slightly cool so I can justify drinking hot cocoa with a marshmellow.  (I'm craving chocolate)  It can have a small lake and a caneo, I want to try caneoing again, but I don't want my kids around to watch me flip over, ok!

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Also, I finally started to stain my front porch and didn't think to wear gloves.  It took forever to clean off and there's still some in my hair.


I want to run away from the mountains.


Since you have stain on your hands anyway, do you want to come to my farm, do my deck and I'll cook you steak!

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Cool.  The Teacher's Lounge is open!  Hi ya, Scrap!


I eat rice for comfort.  Not good for my hips, but gluten and corn free.


school?   :lol:  :smilielol5:  :lol:  :smilielol5:   Wait. . . were you serious?  Technically we never actually finished last year.


I'll run away with you to the mountains.  But you get to do the chores.  

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It doesn't have to be in the mountains, just somewhere without toy gears, cars, library books and Magic School Bus DVD cases scattered across the floor. Somewhere people think nothing of sleeping through the night. Maybe where there's Chinese takeout and no ants come marching in when the weather changes.


We are doing our summer session right now. Except I failed to muster the energy for art today. [see above re: sleep.] Maybe Monday.

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Since my son finally finished the last two requirements and we're having his graduation party next weekend, I can't play the "when are you starting school" game ever again. I did do my first full shift at my new part-time job today, though. I'm teaching at a tutoring center. So, maybe that kind of counts? 


I also eat rice as a comfort food. Just to make it even less healthy, I put margarine on it, taking it from empty carbs to empty carbs covered in fat and salt. But it is, as far as I know, free of both gluten and carbs.


I'm not much of a mountains person. However, when the kids were little, we did used to keep a tally of the number of days I would need to spend all by myself in a cabin on the beach in order to recover from whatever was stressing me at the moment. Of course, since "all by myself" is kind of a critical component of the de-stressing for introverted me, I'm afraid and inviting you all to join me would defeat the purpose.


I'll be happy to chat by text or e-mail, though.


I'm sorry you've had a yucky day, Scrap and Carrie, I hope things calm down for both of you soon!



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Can we get a beautiful cabin that has no spiders, mice or other creep crawly things in it?  Ohhh, someplace slightly cool so I can justify drinking hot cocoa with a marshmellow.  (I'm craving chocolate)  It can have a small lake and a caneo, I want to try caneoing again, but I don't want my kids around to watch me flip over, ok!



We can go to Sedona, AZ. I have a timeshare there. Not exactly "in the mountains" but it is slightly cooler than Phoenix, especially at night. And free hot chocolate is included, if I remember correctly. B)


There's a lake not too far away, I think. Or we can just wade through the creek at Oak Canyon. When do you want to go??

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We can go to Sedona, AZ. I have a timeshare there. Not exactly "in the mountains" but it is slightly cooler than Phoenix, especially at night. And free hot chocolate is included, if I remember correctly. B)


There's a lake not too far away, I think. Or we can just wade through the creek at Oak Canyon. When do you want to go??


Just tossed my clothes into the washing machine, I'll need an hour or two to be packed and ready. :)

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