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Exercise Thread ~ 8/3 - 8/10


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So, dh took the boys to Guardians of the Galaxy and I was faced with an empty house for 2-3 hours.


I hate it when my life arranges itself in such a way that I have no choice but to exercise.



So, since I was alone and well caffeinated and anticipating a nice dinner at a french bistro with my sister, I decided to to the Tonique workout on youtube.  Because apparently I have a death wish?  It was hard and fantastic! It felt hard like an Insanity workout but I could do almost all of it. It is 100% lower body so it plays to my strengths. Workouts like Insanity have pushups and mountain climbers and burpees and I just cannot do those sorts of things. I just don't have the upper body strength and I get stubborn and then I hurt myself. But this was all squats and lunges. I feel like I did 200 of each, lol. I didn't hold light weights because I was trying to just get the moves down, but I will try it next time holding 1lb weights. So, I did the 'warm up' which was jumping jacks etc for 5 mins and then a 15ish min squat section and then a 15ish min lunge section and then I did the mat section which was...10 mins? And then I was DONE. I didn't do her ab section or her cool down. I was just really done.


I don't have her range of motion (does anyone?) and I often missed the first couple in each set just trying to learn the move and pace, but once I did that I kept up.


I am going to try it a couple more times before I make the decision to buy it. But if I do, I can see myself doing it 2 times a week.


I am going to be SOOOORE tomorrow, lol

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ah - mt. rainier.  very nice day - we even crashed a wedding ceremony at one point on the trial - as in, they were saying their vows right then.  4" heels?  on a trail with 200+ elevation gain?  really?  they bride had more sense and was wearing flats under her dress.


anyway - yesterday.

we went towards nisqually vista, then up to waterfall trail over to myrtle falls (where the wedding was.)  it's around 300' gain (up and down a few times).  not sure of the distance.  I didn't hike down to the falls (short, but very steep) as my knee was hesitant.  so I didn't push.

then we did grove of the patriarchs.  some 1000+ yo red cedars and doug firs.  maybe 1 1/2 miles round trip, and only 120' gain.

but my step total was either 14,650+ or 13,900+ depending upon which app I look at.  yeah - that'll do something - besides make my leggies very tired.


today - I've traipsed my hill twice (around 1000' steps, and 80' gain) and did yoga.

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ah - mt. rainier.  very nice day - we even crashed a wedding ceremony at one point on the trial - as in, they were saying their vows right then.  4" heels?  on a trail with 200+ elevation gain?  really?  they bride had more sense and was wearing flats under her dress.


anyway - yesterday.

we went towards nisqually vista, then up to waterfall trail over to myrtle falls (where the wedding was.)  it's around 300' gain (up and down a few times).  not sure of the distance.  I didn't hike down to the falls (short, but very steep) as my knee was hesitant. 

Sounds like a nice hike

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Yesterday morning I had a Carmelites meeting in town (meaning 40 minutes away) that was too early to get my long run in before.  By the time it was over 10:45, it was too hot to run outside, so I went to Planet Fitness to run on the treadmill there.  Boy,  7 miles on a treadmill is HARD.  Boring!  No breeze!  Ugh!  I tried watching HGTV for a while (we don't have cable, so I never get to watch stuff like that).  At first it was interesting, but man, after listening to a guy complain (House Hunters) about having to replace 1 room of carpet in is HALF MILLION dollar home, I was just done with that.  Now I remember why we don't pay for cable!  After about 40 minutes,  I just switched to listening to my usual music and running app.  Tough workout, but glad I got it done, and I guess I developed some mental toughness to stay with it for that long.

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So, dh took the boys to Guardians of the Galaxy and I was faced with an empty house for 2-3 hours.


I hate it when my life arranges itself in such a way that I have no choice but to exercise.



But this was all squats and lunges. I feel like I did 200 of each, lol. I didn't hold light weights because I was trying to just get the moves down, but I will try it next time holding 1lb weights. So, I did the 'warm up' which was jumping jacks etc for 5 mins and then a 15ish min squat section and then a 15ish min lunge section and then I did the mat section which was...10 mins? And then I was DONE. I didn't do her ab section or her cool down. I was just really done.

My intensives are a lot of squats and lunges. I was really sore the first time. I've noticed that I am improving I can do the moves more deeply. Our butts ought to be awesome :)

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