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Hairdressers must be psychologically the healthiest people

Liz CA

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Oh, my hairdresser is my therapist. I love her. She listens to all my kid problems (she's got a difficult one, too, though her kid is older and has turned out all right, so she gives me hope) and everything else going wrong in my life. It's a good deal.... Cut, color, and therapy.... All for $60.

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That's so funny because I'm an introvert and one thing I hated about getting my hair done or getting pedicure was that the stylist/pedicures always want to chat the whole time. :)


Here the language barrier often keeps that from happening. I now go to get my toes done and I happily and quietly read a book with no conversation required. It's my favorite thing to do!

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That's so funny because I'm an introvert and one thing I hated about getting my hair done or getting pedicure was that the stylist/pedicures always want to chat the whole time. :)


I started cutting my own hair because of this! I still go once a year or year and a half. I don't get pedicures because I don't want a stranger touching my feet. Ew!

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That's so funny because I'm an introvert and one thing I hated about getting my hair done or getting pedicure was that the stylist/pedicures always want to chat the whole time. :)



I'm not an introvert (I'm more half and half) but I hate small talk.  And a haircut seems like a perfect time for me to be left alone. :p


But I can't remember the last time a hairdresser tried to chat with me beyond if I have kids.  Maybe I give off a certain vibe.


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I hope this did not come across harsh but more in a joking tone. I have a new hairdresser since we moved and I don't know her as well as I did the one I had for fifteen years...but she tells me things I would not tell someone I had seen all of three or four times. :) She also then told the same thing to the woman next to me whose hair she was working on as well. At least it was all consistent so the story must be panning out.


I really like her and her skills - so it was an off the cuff observation - lovingly observed.  :laugh:  And as Heather mentioned, I am also more introverted.

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