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Houston: First time homeschool convention advice

Mama Geek

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I am going to the convention in the Woodlands on Saturday.  Dd won't start K for another year.  What would you be looking for?  I figure on mostly hanging out in the vendor area.  I will be on my own, so no family raging along.  I really like the blend phonics with the webster speller for reading, Story of the World for first grade later on, I want to check out Handwriting w/o Tears.


Any other tips for a first timer?

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Agree with all the above.  


And when you get the program, look over all the vendors to kind of plot out the ones you are strongly interested in so you can make absolutely certain you get to go there (it can get overwhelming and confusing and you may forget a vendor or two if you don't make a list or circle them on the program), and keep those in mind if you find yourself running out of time.  Definitely go to some of the workshops.  Read through all the workshops/talks being offered and lay out a schedule so you have time to attend the ones you are interested in but can run around the vendor show room in between.  If you see something you are interested in at a vendor booth but don't want to commit to anything yet, WRITE IT DOWN.  Make a quick note in your program on location and what it was.  Trying to retrace steps to look at something again and remember exactly where you saw it may be impossible.


And don't get caught up in the moment and think you have to buy something right that moment.  It is easy to get wrapped up in the heat of things and spend way more than you ever intended.  If you think you might purchase some things, make a budget and stick to it.  Nearly everything there will also be available on-line later on.  Lots of homeschoolers have a lot of stuff gathering dust on their shelves or a big whole in their bank account because they rushed into buying a ton of stuff at a convention... :)


Best wishes...

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Just have fun! Don't be afraid to walk out of a boring seminar. As someone else mentioned, bring a sweater. I froze my way through too many overly air-conditioned seminars last year. I'm leaving this morning for a Homeschool Convention with my BFF and sil. Was so excited I couldn't sleep, so now I'm up early. Have fun!

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Spend some time at the seminars.  I have learned so much at them and have come out so inspired.  Some vendors also have seminars on how to use their products which can be very helpful in determining if a curriculum is right for you and your child. As another poster said, plan your strategy.  There is so much to see and hear.  If you are planning to buy anything, which I can almost guarantee you will, bring along a backpack with wheels.  Your back will thank you! I learned this the hard way one year.  Also, before you buy check to see if there is a convention tax.  We get hit with that at ours these days.  Sometimes it costs the same to go home and order it versus buying it at the convention and paying the tax.


Bring lots of water and check to see what you can bring in for food.  At our local convention you aren't allowed to bring anything in to the building because they want you to buy their way over priced, expensive food.  I always pack a lunch and snacks and leave the building to eat them.  It is amazing how many homeschooling families you can fit into a tiny strip of lawn to eat lunch.


Most of all have a good time and try not to become overwhelmed.  I am almost to the end of my homeschooling journey and really missed going to the convention this year.

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Don't spend *all* of your time in the exhibit hall. :-) And don't buy anything. Listen to all of the sales pitches, and pick up brochures and catalogs and whatnot, and take them home and read them.


If I were going, I'd want to attend Sonya Shafer's Charlotte Mason workshops; and Rick Boyer's workshop on "Careers Without College," yes, even if I had little children, because that's what I did at the first convention I went to in 1984: learn what it would look like to teach my children at home until they left for college or whatever. :-)

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About conventions in general -- I like to get to the Rainbow Resource booth early, because they have a large variety of items, but can run out if specific things earlier than vendors that only sell their own curricula. (If I get a lot at RR, I run back to the car with it.)

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Don't spend *all* of your time in the exhibit hall. :-) And don't buy anything. Listen to all of the sales pitches, and pick up brochures and catalogs and whatnot, and take them home and read them.


Ellie, you are tough! I see your point if you are talking about curricula, but not even an educational toy???

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