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Paleoish and the budget


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Okay, if I want to cut back a bit more, what should I cut out? I already eat a lot of eggs and veggies, meat at dinner and occasionally lunchmeat at lunch, salad at dinner many nights. Occasional fruit but not tons. I don't eat a lot of grains, and dairy varies; I don't use a lot of milk but will sometimes drink smoothies (made with yogurt or kefir when I can, but otherwise milk), and I use cheese fairly frequently, easily 2-3 times a day in smallish amounts. Legumes occasionally. Nuts for snacking sometimes, or in salads.


So, if I wanted to cut back more, what should I cut out? I might be able to cut out grains completely from my diet without it becoming too expensive, but I think I have to make a choice between dairy and legumes. If I cut cheese and dairy out, in addition to all grains, I'm left with very limited affordable protein for lunch, unless I eat beans (even without the rice). So, which is better, or at least, less bad -- full fat dairy (hormone free, generally, although not organic) or beans (also not organic)?

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I am the only fully plant-based individual in my family.  Everyone is free to make their own choices to some extent outside our home (so the kids may opt for a bit of meat or honey when with grandma etc), but I have serious health concerns where milk (particularly the protein in milk) is concerned, so I absolutely draw a line where that is concerned with my children for health reasons.


For that reason, I would cut dairy.


FYI: I am not trying to open a debate about health concerns over dairy.  Everyone can do their own reasearch and consult their own nutritionists and/or physicians.

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I don't think it has to be all or nothing. Can you have a "bean day" where you have a bean soup or other dish where bean is the main protein? I often put beans (esp. black beans) on a salad for protein.

We do do that sort of thing for dinners sometimes. I guess my question is more like this: if I'm looking at the options for lunch (which is the hardest meal for me), would I be better off to choose beans or dairy as the protein most often? It just took me a while to think of what I was really asking. :)

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We do do that sort of thing for dinners sometimes. I guess my question is more like this: if I'm looking at the options for lunch (which is the hardest meal for me), would I be better off to choose beans or dairy as the protein most often? It just took me a while to think of what I was really asking. :)

Why are you paleo?  I eat paleoish in order to control my bloodsugar, which in turn helps me to lose weight.  So certain beans are ok in moderation but dairy is better for me more often because most beans have a higher glycemic index.

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I recommend cutting nuts first. I almost passed out when I found the cup of cashews I was eating most days was ~700 calories.


I would cut beans before I would cut dairy but that's because I worry about my bones. I've already had some bone loss.


Can't you cut some dairy and some beans instead of one or the other?



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olives, avocados, a bit of hummus or peanut butter with celery and peppers, tuna in salads or wrapped in lettuce. Egg salad, frittata, veggie soups with lots of cabbage, zuke, or kale etc I would hesitate to eliminate any one thing, but mixing it up keeps things interesting. When you're craving a bit of feta or other cheese in a salad, or some legumes in soup, or hummus , etcetera plan it, have it. I find that total denial is the kiss of death. It helps the budget to vary.

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I think it varies from person to person. Dairy is really a no-go for me and many people the world over however some tolerate it just fine. I think it is good to do a 30 day elimination just to see how it works for you and then reassess. On beans again I think how well they are tolerated varies, some seem to do just fine, so if having them now and again works for you then great news. It also depends on your goals. If you are trying to keep to a lower carb and sugar level it is much easier to do so with dairy. If you are looking to cut the budget of course beans are cheaper. I don't think there is just one right answer tbh.

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