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Those who use "Motivated Moms"...


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Is it comprehensive - meaning, do the checklists cover all the tasks that you feel are necessary?


From the samples, it looks like it covers the daily, weekly, and even monthly type tasks. Does it also throw in those occasional things that you'd only do a few times a year? Is there any occasional decluttering on the list, or is that something I'd need to add?


How much time per day would you estimate that you spend doing the tasks on the lists?


Thanks for your help! I actually used this system for a time, several years ago now. I remember liking it, and I don't remember why I didn't buy the next one when the one I had ended. It was working, so why didn't I stick with it?!? Anyway, I don't remember details, so I that's why I'm asking.

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I would say that it works for 90% of what has to be done at my house.  I tend to vacuum and mop more because we have a large garden and go outside a lot, especially during the growing season.  I do laundry on certain days of the week, not every day. Things like that.


I delegate some of it to my teens, but I usually takes me 20-30 minutes to do my basic chores.  Sometimes I skip a daily task and do it another day when I'm not as busy, but I do the majority of the tasks by the end of each week.


Look at the samples.  For me it keeps me on track with basic chores I might forget or put off too long.

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I would say that it works for 90% of what has to be done at my house.

That's fantastic! I'd say right now I'm getting done about 30-40% of what has to be done :lol: so 90% would be a huge improvement!


I tend to vacuum and mop more because we have a large garden and go outside a lot, especially during the growing season. I do laundry on certain days of the week, not every day. Things like that.


I delegate some of it to my teens, but I usually takes me 20-30 minutes to do my basic chores. Sometimes I skip a daily task and do it another day when I'm not as easy, but I do the majority of the tasks by the end of each week.


Look at the samples. For me it keeps me on track with basic chores I might forget or put off too long.

Thanks, this is very helpful!


I noticed that you can buy the 2014 one for only $4 since we're halfway through the year. Definitely worth giving it a shot at that price.

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That's fantastic! I'd say right now I'm getting done about 30-40% of what has to be done :lol: so 90% would be a huge improvement!



Thanks, this is very helpful!


I noticed that you can buy the 2014 one for only $4 since we're halfway through the year. Definitely worth giving it a shot at that price.


Yes, try it.  Sometimes I get to Saturday and find that I still haven't completed some things that truly need doing, so sometimes that's a heavier day.  So I look at it as a week of chores with suggestions of the day to do them versus of firm day-to-day list.  

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I've been using the app on the ipad.

What do you think of it? All else being equal, I prefer the satisfaction of pencil in hand, and checking off a box on paper. :) But if the app has advantages that outweigh that, I'd love to hear about it. I looked at it on iTunes but there were no reviews.

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I have never heard of Motivated Moms until I read this thread. I just looked at the website and it looks fantastic! My kids are older so keeping up with chores isn't as daunting as it used to be. But, I like the idea of reminding me to do chores like "clean the top of the refrigerator".


So there's only an E-book or an app? I probably would rather be able to print out the pages.


Thanks for starting this thread!


Elise in NC

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I looked it up on the App Store as well, but I couldn't figure out the pricing. So it's $1.99 for only two months? And then you have to keep paying?


That is what it looks like to me.  Can you add your own rotating chores?  That would make it worth $12/year.  Although, I have Home Routines and I don't use it.  I might be hopeless!

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I looked it up on the App Store as well, but I couldn't figure out the pricing. So it's $1.99 for only two months? And then you have to keep paying?

I believe there's an in-app purchase of $7.99 for a year. So I guess you spend the $1.99 for the first two months, and then if you like it you can get it at a cheaper price if you buy a whole year?

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What do you think of it? All else being equal, I prefer the satisfaction of pencil in hand, and checking off a box on paper. :) But if the app has advantages that outweigh that, I'd love to hear about it. I looked at it on iTunes but there were no reviews.


The app is better than I expected. It has a daily list with checkboxes. As you finish each task you touch it to check it off and it moves the checked off item to the bottom of the list. There is no way I could finish all the tasks in a day but even if I do some of them it makes a big difference. (This summer I have had my own major projects to tackle each day in addition to basic housekeeping.) The next day, a fresh list appears and the old one is gone - poof. No unused sheets of paper floating around, and no guilt for not finishing the previous tasks.

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I believe there's an in-app purchase of $7.99 for a year. So I guess you spend the $1.99 for the first two months, and then if you like it you can get it at a cheaper price if you buy a whole year?

Thanks :)


I think I might try the (smaller) freebie version.

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I went ahead and bought the E-book for $4. I'm already very impressed. Our home is usually neat and we have a cleaning day every week. The problem has been getting to all of those extra chores that need to be done. I started last night and cleaned the blinds, curtains, and windows in the bathrooms! Aaahhh! I love having a clean home but I think I love box checking just as much!!!


Elise in NC

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I went ahead and bought the E-book for $4. I'm already very impressed. Our home is usually neat and we have a cleaning day every week. The problem has been getting to all of those extra chores that need to be done. I started last night and cleaned the blinds, curtains, and windows in the bathrooms! Aaahhh! I love having a clean home but I think I love box checking just as much!!!


Elise in NC


Me too! I'm pretty happy that it includes obscure things that are easily forgotten until it's out of control (replenish toilet paper in bathrooms, wash walls, clean telephones, etc).


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I went ahead and bought the E-book for $4. I'm already very impressed. Our home is usually neat and we have a cleaning day every week. The problem has been getting to all of those extra chores that need to be done. I started last night and cleaned the blinds, curtains, and windows in the bathrooms! Aaahhh! I love having a clean home but I think I love box checking just as much!!!


Elise in NC

I bought it and started yesterday too -- but I got off easy yesterday because both of our bathrooms are interior rooms with no windows and no blinds or curtains to clean! :lol: (There are skylights, so they're still bright.). So, day 1 was a complete success, haha. I haven't looked at today's yet, but I'm going to do that right now.


I can so relate to loving box-checking!!! That's why I think this system might work well for me.

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I bought it and started yesterday too -- but I got off easy yesterday because both of our bathrooms are interior rooms with no windows and no blinds or curtains to clean! :lol: (There are skylights, so they're still bright.). So, day 1 was a complete success, haha. I haven't looked at today's yet, but I'm going to do that right now.


I can so relate to loving box-checking!!! That's why I think this system might work well for me.


Ha!!! Apparently I printed June's schedule!! I was like...curtains to clean?!? :lol: Well...my family room is dusted anyway. :)

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If anyone hasn't mentioned it - the "Home Routines" app is awesome. It's $4.99 but has all the zones (and they rotate weekly), is customizable, syncs with yor calendar and you only buy it once. I highly recommend it for anyone interested in fly lady or MM.



That one looks great too! 

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Any suggestions for an android phone? I can access Flylady for free, just wondered if there was anything else out there. I just got my phone this week and have yet to discover all it's uses:)



I have the FlyLady app on my android phone.  You can also buy the Motivated Moms app in the Google play store.  I haven't seen Home Routines, but I haven't looked.  I've been happy with the FlyLady app.  It's working for me.  I did try the MM app.  I thought it was well organized, but for me, it felt overwhelming.  I didn't realize that MM wasn't a one time purchase. I tried the free version in order to check it out, but I wouldn't like that I had to keep paying for it. 

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I have MM on Andriod. Try typing the full name - Motivated Moms. You can try the lite version but it is not as customizable. You normally buy the full version each year for $7.99, but since the year is more than half gone it is half price now.

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*Snorting with Laughter*


I bought the Motivated Moms app last year. I had no idea it was only good for one year. That tells you how often I used it (and how clean my house is!). It is the end of July and I am just now learning my app ended on December 31, 2013. I'm feeling rather Sheepish.

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