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S/o Food you take with you when living in other countries


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I can get it here in NC at Walmart in the International section.


The thing I really wish we could get here is whole milk powder.  As kids we used this with MILO to make hot chocolate.  The whole milk powder would form balls.  We called them "milk turds" as kids.  They were very yummy!

You can get Milo in Kentucky.  I can find it in both Save A Lot & Walmart.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry to resurrect this slightly old thread...


The thing I really wish we could get here is whole milk powder.

I buy Nido in ethnic stores. It's Mexican but other ethnic stores often stock it. Many Walmarts apparently have it.

Ah yes, when we move back to the states I am bringing a crate of Milo. My kids are obsessed with it.

Milo and Coffee. I pack those even for vacations as Milo is not easily available except for Australia and Asia. I bring either individual packs of coffee or a small unopened jar.

You can get Milo in Kentucky. I can find it in both Save A Lot & Walmart.

I see Milo in Indian stores all the time. Try any and all ethnic stores.


The other thing is, if you can find labne in Arab store (sold in container like yogurt), it is similar to Greek yogurt but is full fat.

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I have brought back Twiglets from the UK and kisiel powder (potato starch jello), instant barszcz, torcik wedlowski (a chocolate wafer dessert thing), "bird milk" chocolates, and Zabrowka from Poland (a vodka with buffalo grass in it).  I've taken kindersurprise eggs from Germany for my kids. 


And whenever we go to the nearest Russian deli (like 5 hours away), I always get sunflower seeds (not as salty as the US kind), wafers, rollmops or other fishies in a can, sausage, and apple-mint juice.

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My daughter can't wait to get back overseas and get her Kinder eggs. Amazingly, she has no problems not eating the toy inside the plastic egg, despite being American by birth. :P


My suitcase will contain: peanut butter for a niece that recently discovered it, box mac-n-cheese (yes, THAT stuff) for DD who loves it, guacamole mix for when I can't stand not having Mexican food (I can find avocados, thank goodness), chili powder, and candy sprinkles.


Non-food: gummy vitamins, iron supplements, vitamin D3, and deodorant!!


PS: I finally just made vanilla extract with vanilla beans I brought back last year. Much safer for my clothes!!

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  • 1 month later...

I thought the ban on Kinder Eggs had been lifted. I think they're legal now.

Per this article from June 2014, no.


Quote from customs agent: â€œKinder eggs are prohibited just like narcotics are prohibited.â€




I know where to buy them, though I haven't ever actually do so. I refuse to be more specific lest I bring down a major drug candy bust.

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