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Bring on your summer veggie recipes


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I love vegetables.  My husband eats precisely two vegetables, three if you count raw carrots (which, I mean, I do, but I can only serve carrot sticks with so many meals in a week), and four if you count potatoes.


I'm realizing that I have stopped eating so many veggies, because when I cook with DH in mind, it's meat/starch + one of his approved vegetables (green beans and sugar snap peas, if you are curious).  Lunch is often a salad, but now I'm cooking for three littles, and I'm falling back on not-enough-veggies, lots of quesadillas/pasta/grilled cheese.  I've got to nip this in the bud!  


So bring on your favorite summer vegetable recipes - sides or mains, it doesn't matter.  I'm looking to re-energize my recipe file, get back in the habit of cooking 2-3 vegetables for every meal, and perhaps encourage DH to actually try something new.  (Or at least be polite about it's existence on the table while I encourage the toddlers to actually eat something new.)


I'm thinking about focusing on corn, tomatoes, and summer squash for the next few weeks, but I'll take whatever you've got!

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I really like Greek salad: tomatoes, cucumbers, red onion, Kalamata olives, and feta in an olive oil-lemon juice-oregano dressing.  :drool5:


I'm not very inventive with corn: we just usually drop it into boiling water for 3 minutes or so to warm it up, then serve still on the cobs. You can cut it off if that's better. It's good with lots of butter.


You could try grilling summer squash - they're really tasty that way. We also sometimes have them cooked in butter/olive oil with onions on the stovetop. 


Not tomatoes/corn/squash, and probably  not the best for hot summer days, but roasted cauliflower is really delicious. Just cut it into bite-sized florets, toss it generously with olive oil, and sprinkle with salt and pepper. You can also add sliced/minced garlic if you like. Then roast at about 425 degrees F. until the cauliflower is tender (not crunchy). The bitter "cabbage-y" taste is removed in the roasting process and it is SO GOOD.  I can eat a whole head of cauliflower cooked this way by myself. . .I know, awful! 

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Toss just about any sliced veggie in olive oil, garlic and a bit of kosher salt and GRILL it.  I just use a disposable aluminum/tin foil tray.   My favorties are red onion with red and yellow pepper, squash/zuchinni with vidalia onions, aspragus....





So good. Almost everything is good this way. 


Also, chopped small, grilled and on a crostini (basically small toast) with olive oil and Italian spices (especially fresh basil). Yum. 

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Toss just about any sliced veggie in olive oil, garlic and a bit of kosher salt and GRILL it.  I just use a disposable aluminum/tin foil tray.   My favorties are red onion with red and yellow pepper, squash/zuchinni with vidalia onions, aspragus....


And if you feel the need to spice that up a teensy bit, use the Good Seasons packets... We used to love those.  Can't eat them now, due to gluten issues, but we do something similar with our own spices.


DH hated summer squash till he tried this.  Slice lengthwise, soak in Good Seasons, grill right on the grill.  Yum.

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You can also hide puréed zucchini in just about everything.... Really, it is very mild. Grated can be detected, puréed (in a blender) usually cannot. I make zucchini pancakes, throw the purée in spaghetti, and use it in place of applesauce in muffins.


When I make smoothies I always add greens or baby kale to them, another way to get more veggies in their diet.

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You can also hide puréed zucchini in just about everything.... Really, it is very mild. Grated can be detected, puréed (in a blender) usually cannot. I make zucchini pancakes, throw the purée in spaghetti, and use it in place of applesauce in muffins.


When I make smoothies I always add greens or baby kale to them, another way to get more veggies in their diet.

We do green smoothies for morning snack almost every day (minus DH who is working and greens phobic). I usually sneak shredded zucchini into my sauces/casseroles, but I hadn't considered pureeing it. That opens up some more possibilities.

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Steamed or grilled zucchini sprinkled with parmesan cheese is my go to summer veggie.  My more adventurous eaters sprinkle a bit of kickin' chicken seasoning on it (a bit spicy).


Sliced tomato and cucumber drizzled with italian dressing is another kid favorite.  

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