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Technology for survival mode? Other ideas?

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I am in survival mode here & need help with school. I have other areas of life in order now so time to address school.


I have a high needs baby (basically is attached to me 24/7, cries a lot, & doesn't nap). I have 2 toddlers who are a handful.


My school age:

K'er-we are using HWT, slow going on phonics, & primer MUS. Really has a lack of interest overall. Has never been able to sit still for read alouds.


2nd-HWT, great reader, alpha MUS (almost done)


All other subjects have been hit or miss. I have tons of curriculum though! And a decent library at home.


I have a laptop, old iPod, & iPhone. No internet access. Might buy iPad.


I think I want to utilize apps, cd roms, & audiobooks to help me through this season.


For littles: I had planned to record a kind of circle time cd for my little ones. They have one already of me & have asked for more. I had also thought of buying some picture books on cd. Is there like a volume of books on cd for this age?


For k: I need good phonics & math app or cd rom I can buy.


For 2nd: she loves books on cd so audiobook suggestions, math apps to go along with alpha mus, spelling/lang art apps or cd rom


For both: any science/history apps/audiobooks/cd roms? We have sotw 1 on cd that I plan to utilize.


Any other ideas/suggestions for survival mode?


And to clarify: I will still teach most days while babywearing. I just need some resources to fill in on days when baby WILL NOT cooperate.


And sorry if this isn't well written. I am typing while holding crying baby lol

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Our library has a ton of books with CDs, it's difficult to find them in the online catalog but most are in a separate section at my library.


I'm sorry you are going through this, my 4 year old would only nap when held for several months, it's a tough stage. Fortunately they eventually outgrow it.

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Any chance you could hire a homeschooling teen in your area to come help out once or twice a week?   They can come in and do read alouds and play basic math games with them or watch the youngers while you work with the olders.  Or just play an educational video and help them play with play dough while you and baby take a nap?

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I do have a teen coming now 1-2 mornings each week. It's great! But I am currently using her for basic housework & doing fun things with kids (painting, etc). She has only been coming for a short time & we don't really have a routine yet so I may have her help with school. I have been trying to get the rest of our life back in order & hiring her was the key! I finally feel like life isn't pure chaos.


I found a tablet called Little Scholar by School Zone that I may order. It already has a bunch of apps on it & cost less than iPad.

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Starfall has an installation CD for offline use. 



LeapFrog DVDs – Talking Letter Factory and sequels.  There are also some math titles.


Scholastic Storytime Classics DVDs – with closed captioning.


Other DVDs:

Magic School Bus

Sid the Science Kid

The Cat in the Hat knows a lot about that

Schoolhouse Rock


Check your local PBS station’s daytime programing. 

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Starfall has an installation CD for offline use.



LeapFrog DVDs – Talking Letter Factory and sequels. There are also some math titles.


Scholastic Storytime Classics DVDs – with closed captioning.



Other DVDs:

Magic School Bus

Sid the Science Kid

The Cat in the Hat knows a lot about that

Schoolhouse Rock


Check your local PBS station’s daytime programing.

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Starfall has an installation CD for offline use.



LeapFrog DVDs – Talking Letter Factory and sequels. There are also some math titles.


Scholastic Storytime Classics DVDs – with closed captioning.



Other DVDs:

Magic School Bus

Sid the Science Kid

The Cat in the Hat knows a lot about that

Schoolhouse Rock


Check your local PBS station’s daytime programing.

We love PBS around here! We don't have cable & when we do get to watch nick jr or something like that-no comparison! PBS is really educational.


I will check into other things you mentioned-thanks!

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