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Bitten by a tick 3 months ago, while pregnant?


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I was bitten by a tick 3 months ago, early April, I think I was about 10 weeks pregnant then. DH pulled it out with tweezers. It left a red bump while it healed, but no rashes have developed. There is a scar like mark where it was, but not raised and has been faded with time. I have forgotten to mention it to my OB because nothing has come from it. I'm nearly 25 weeks now and I still have felt fine, but I've been exhausted (it's hot, my belly is growing, and I have 3 kids!)


I am having a paranoid moment, more or less kicking myself for not at least mentioning it at an appointment. I will see my OB again in 11 days.

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You're probably fine. Was it a big tick or really tiny tick? The tiny ones you have to worry about. You'd know it if you had Lyme's. They can treat with Amoxicillin if you do end up sick. I pulled one out of my daughter and she was sick 6 days later. I pull ticks out all the time and all but 2 over the years were ok.  

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It was my first and only tick bite I've had in my life!


It was small, but not the super tiny ones. I believe it may have been a lone-star tick. It was a red color, I'm pretty sure. It also wasn't puffed up when DH pulled it off, however, it was embedded, just don't know for how long.

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It was my first and only tick bite I've had in my life!


It was small, but not the super tiny ones. I believe it may have been a lone-star tick. It was a red color, I'm pretty sure. It also wasn't puffed up when DH pulled it off, however, it was embedded, just don't know for how long.

First tick ever? Wow!

I'm sure you're fine, really. Mention it to the dr at your appointment though.

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It's probably fine, but like others have said mention it to your dr. My dh was just diagnosed with Lyme today. He had the tell tale bullseye around the bite, fatigue, and high fever. Not everyone who has Lyme has all those symptoms though. Best to err on the side of caution.

I'm so sorry! It sounds like you caught it early, I hope he heals quickly!!

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Not to worry you, but I just want to point out that there are many more tick-borne diseases to be concerned about besides Lyme disease.  So no, it's not only the little deer ticks you need to be worried about.  It's also not true that it's only tiny deer ticks that transmit Lyme Disease.  It's mostly transmitted by nymphs (immature ticks).  But the adults, which are of course much larger, can also transmit it.  The CDC has very good tick borne disease information.

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You're more than likely fine. You'd be feeling the Lyme disease symptoms by now. Exhaustion is likely caused by the pregnancy, but definitely bring it up to your doctor in 11 days. I've pulled at least 5 ticks off of me during this pregnancy and nothing has happened.

This isn't always the case. I was bitten by a tick in a low risk area 25 years ago while camping and didn't have symptoms until 20 years later. I suppose it is more accurate to say, I didn't have ENOUGH symptoms until 20 years later to put together the pieces. Never had the flu-like symptoms immediately following the bite.


How do I know it was that tick bite? I have two kids with congenital Lyme disease.


Good idea to mention the bite to your OB as a precaution.

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Not to worry you, but I just want to point out that there are many more tick-borne diseases to be concerned about besides Lyme disease.  So no, it's not only the little deer ticks you need to be worried about.  It's also not true that it's only tiny deer ticks that transmit Lyme Disease.  It's mostly transmitted by nymphs (immature ticks).  But the adults, which are of course much larger, can also transmit it.  The CDC has very good tick borne disease information.


Good info, but I don't trust the CDC.  Not one single bit.


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Fairytalemama, I hope your DH is feeling better quickly.  He might feel worse before he feels better, unfortunately.  You probably know that.  Usually he'll have a big herx on the 3rd day on antibiotics - and he might feel pretty rotten.  Have you gotten through that point yet?  


Hoping that he feels better soon!

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