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Anybody know anything about HVAC units?


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I was away for the weekend and when I came home I noticed there was a lot of standing water on the side of my house and even overflowing onto the driveway.  There's probably an inch of water there.


DH said it rained pretty hard yesterday and so that's what he attributed it to, but there's no way it still would have been standing there when I got home this afternoon, and when I looked it appears to have come from the drainage pipe coming form the A/C unit, although there was nothing draining when I was looking at it.


There is no water even in the drain pan in the unit in the attic.  The A/C is still cycling normally.  The filter has been changed within the last month.


I'm going to call the A/C person in the morning, but does anyone have any ideas?  I couldn't really figure anything from my quick google search, and I'd like to have some idea of what I might be looking at before they get here.



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There is a drain and a secondary drain to avoid flooding your attic if the primary gets stopped up. It sounds like the primary may be stopped up so the secondary is draining but that is a lot of water. The primary needs to be cleared. You can pour a quarter cup of bleach and pour it down the drain line. You can also blow put the line with an air compressor if this is the problem.

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There is a drain and a secondary drain to avoid flooding your attic if the primary gets stopped up. It sounds like the primary may be stopped up so the secondary is draining but that is a lot of water. The primary needs to be cleared. You can pour a quarter cup of bleach and pour it down the drain line. You can also blow put the line with an air compressor if this is the problem.

That's what I thought when I read your post.§


Hope it's an easy fix!

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Our HVAC units put out a LOT of water, especially when it's humid (which is pretty much all summer).  Ours put out so much water that DH had to do some work on the landscaping and put down some layers of . . . something . . . where the drains are so that the water would be absorbed and not keep the grass in that area constantly sopping wet.  While he was working on it we set large cat litter pans under the drains to collect the water, and they needed to be emptied multiple times a day.  Our HVAC system gets maintenance service twice a year to make sure it's performing well, and the technicians say that type of water output is perfectly normal.  But since it sounds as if you've never noticed that much before, it's probably a good idea to get it checked.

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