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Girls Lacrosse?


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Anyone have a girl who plays Lacrosse? DD15 has started throwing the ball around with her boyfriend and thinks she may like to learn how to play.  I know boys and girls play differently, and I don't know anyone who plays on a girls team.  Anyone one here play and have some advice?

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Dd played a couple of years.


It is a fast paced game which requires endurance and hand eye coordination. If her boyfriend can teach her stick handling that would help her a lot.


The main difference between boys and girls is girls is no contact. My neighbor's son was recruited to okay on the high school team because he could get in the way and hurt people within the rules. You don't have any players on girls teams like that.


If she's hoping to try out for her high school team, I'd suggest practicing with her boyfriend and running for endurance.

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My sister both played and coached it. She loved it. My parents enjoyed watching it, especially my dad. When I was in high school, we fought to get women's lacrosse. Being in Maryland, of course we had men's lacrosse. We would wear our field hockey uniforms to school during lacrosse season as a protest. My junior year, we finally succeeded. I didn't play. I just like to protest.

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As others mentioned, the stick is very different for women's lacrosse. They are only allowed to check each other stick-to-stick, unlike men, who can beat on each other. :)  That means it's harder to catch the ball and you must keep the stick in a back and forth motion constantly or it will pop out. There are technically no boundaries in women's lacrosse (or there weren't when I played) other than more or less natural boundaries or what the ref decides to call. Players can run all over the field. Men are limited in who can be where.

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Wow, that is encouraging!  I wasn't sure if I would get any responses or not. 


Her boyfriend played for the 1st time this year (after 6 years of football) and she has been learning along with him.  At first she was using a boys stick because that was what was around.  A while back when she started talking about playing, I took her to a Lacrosse store and bought her a girls stick. I figured if she was thinking about playing, i didn't want her to keep learning to throw and catch boy-style.  I had them help her pick out one that she can actually play on a team with so it is decent beginners quality, but not a high end one (It is a Debeer and was about $80). If she makes a team, I don't mind investing more once she figures out what she wants, but this will be good enough to learn with and hopefully start a season.  She is getting pretty good throwing and catching with it.  I ordered a Lacrosse goal for them to toss into with a rebounder, so they can practice at home  Right now they walk to the park that has a Lacrosse goal and throw the ball around about 5 hours a week.  Our yard isn't huge, so they will still go to the park pretty often, but it will give them a chance to toss it around when they aren't in the mood to go all the way there. 


She has ran 8th grade track, played 9th grade volleyball and is on her 3rd year of  cheer.  She isn't super athletic and aggressive, but isn't afraid to try either.  It will depend on if she can find a non-cut team to start with, since she won't know how to really play any plays, just catch and throw.  There isn't a girls team in our immediate area but one in the next city over, so it will take some commitment on my part to driver her there.  We did the same for our son with swimming though, so I am willing to do it for her.  


I looked for summer camps but all of the entry level player, high school camps were already over for the summer, when I looked 2 weeks ago. 


If anyone has any other suggestions or ideas please let me know. This is a brand new sport for us, and all I know is from watching him play this season. It looks really fun, but like others have said...a bit dangerous too! 

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I played when I was in he states for high school. I loved it. My cousin coaches and refs. She played all through high school. It is a great sport. Just tell her to duck if the ball is heading for her head :D

LOL Yep, she has a broken open lip from a ball hitting her yesterday.  Her and her boyfriend were tossing it around at the park.  He was bouncing it off of a fence and it came back and  hit her lip, which got cut open on the inside on her braces.  :0(  She is handling it pretty good. It is swollen and looks like hamburger on the inside, but she is not letting it slow her down much.  


That is good advice....Ill let her know LOL  :lol:

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LOL Yep, she has a broken open lip from a ball hitting her yesterday.  Her and her boyfriend were tossing it around at the park.  He was bouncing it off of a fence and it came back and  hit her lip, which got cut open on the inside on her braces.  :0(  She is handling it pretty good. It is swollen and looks like hamburger on the inside, but she is not letting it slow her down much.  


That is good advice....Ill let her know LOL  :lol:


In my case it was a split eyebrow :) Didn't slow me down either. But I did destroy my coaches hoodie :)

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