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s/o Stocking my toddler shelf :)

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This is a spin off of the "stocking my preschool shelf".


I'd love to stock a shelf of things for my very... adventurous (lol)... 2 year old. Keeping in mind that he likes to mouth things, still, so little things like pom-poms are out. He *wants* to always be involved, so something that he can have only during school time would be great.

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Following. I'll admit we are touring the Montessori school as a solution to this challenge but that's unlikely to pan out so I need ideas. So far I've got:


Simple puzzles

Lacing cards (she's got crazy good fine motor skills)


Play food and dishes

Small magnetic train and tracks (from IKEA)

Washable crayons and lots and lots of paper


Magnetic dress up dolls (the wood version of paper dolls Melissa and Doug make)


I'm crossing my fingers the 2 year old and the 5 year old will play together nicely so LegoMan can get some work done.


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My toddler is into:

wooden play food that you can cut

wooden trains

wooden blocks (there are some cool architectural ones out there)

play silks


simple puzzles

any activity involving pouring or mixing or large tweezers (I bought a large tray and have taught her to clean up after herself a la Montessori.)

foam play swords

play doh

percussion kit (maracca, tambourine, percussion sticks)

mini trampoline

tossing bean bags

painting with a wet paintbrush (water only on a piece of construction paper)

drawing with chalk on a chalkboard easel (IKEA)

sensory bins





...The key to being able to do school is to keep her BUSY! I often assign a kid to play with her for 15 minutes doing a certain activity. After 5 min she's often ready to move on, so we're gradually stretching her attention span. Toddlers need to MOVE so teaching her to walk backwards, hop, climb stairs, stack things, etc. are all welcome activities. We also are trying to get an indoor swing set up.

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My ds2 had a school box with puzzles

, matching cards (made of metal lids, stored in a metal can. clink.can)

Flash cards (pictures, to expand vocab)

Pipe cleaner and nuts (fruit loops)

Crayon rubbing cards

Lacing cards

Clothes pins

Counting pieces (like teddy bear counters)

Stickers and cards to put then on.

S scissors and paper


I agree with looking for something like busy bags. lots of great suggestions out there.

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1. Create a obstacle course/race track with masking tape on the floor.

2. Fridge magnets of alphabet letters, and numbers.

3. Window markers for use on sliding glass door.

4. Water bins/table...fill up a bin with a small amount if water, and place scoops, buckets, and

watering can for play. (best for use closer to bath time :)

5. White board (magnetic is great too for multi use), and magnetic objects/non toxic markers

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