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OK, I just have to say it one. more. time...

Melissa in CA

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I am LOVING TOG!!!!! :party:


Our discussions are going SO WELL! My son continually shocks me on how much he is learning and how much he is enjoying learning it. I am just so happy right now...can you tell? :w00t:


And you know what? I feel so much LESS pressure in regards to prep than I ever did with Sonlight. Sonlight kept me crazy busy daily...TOG takes much less of my time and the time I do spend is just plain enjoyable.


Ok, that's it. I feel better getting that off my chest...I couldn't contain it any longer, ya know? :lol:

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I am LOVING TOG!!!!! :party:


Our discussions are going SO WELL! My son continually shocks me on how much he is learning and how much he is enjoying learning it. I am just so happy right now...can you tell? :w00t:



Hooray! Are you doing dialectic level work with him? My ds (11) will be starting TOG2U3 on Monday, and I'm looking forward to the discussion (the A&T questions) - we did TOG1 last year, and learned so much.



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Thanks for the report!! We are planning to order TOG as soon as our bank account allows it (we have a lot of summer birthdays) so this is very good to hear! You're making me want to sell something so I can buy sooner!! Hmm.. time to raid my bookshelves... I'm sure there's something on there that can contribute to my TOG fund...:D

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Hooray! Are you doing dialectic level work with him? My ds (11) will be starting TOG2U3 on Monday, and I'm looking forward to the discussion (the A&T questions) - we did TOG1 last year, and learned so much.




We are using Dialectic for Bible and History and UG for Literature. I don't assign all of the Dialectic questions, but will oftentimes bring them up anyhow to add to our discussion. He is usually able to answer them though, or at least offer great discussion material on them. ;)


The only thing I am disappointed with in TOG, and I mean the ONLY thing, is that we are not given an actual answer key for the questions on the Student Activity Pages. I have had to find the answers myself in the teacher's notes by thoroughly reading them and highlighting them. The Literature assignments have an answer key, the mapping assignments have an answer key, but not the Bible & History. :sad: Unless, of course, I am missing something? Jessica hon, are you there? Are they perhaps hidden somewhere that I don't know about? :confused1: :001_smile:


...still lovin' my TOG though. Come sing it with me!...I love my, I love my, I love my T O G...I love my, I love my, I love my T O G! WhoooYah! [doing the happy dance] :lol:

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I am LOVING TOG!!!!! :party:


Our discussions are going SO WELL! My son continually shocks me on how much he is learning and how much he is enjoying learning it. I am just so happy right now...can you tell? :w00t:




I'm loving TOG as well!! I think I am finally wrapping my mind around it a little bit now that we have been working on it for a week. I did some more looking on the forum and think I might have our schedule down better.


I am liking that the dc's are working very independently and keep saying they love the reading!! Music to my ears.:D

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we are not given an actual answer key for the questions on the Student Activity Pages. I have had to find the answers myself in the teacher's notes by thoroughly reading them and highlighting them. The Literature assignments have an answer key, the mapping assignments have an answer key, but not the Bible & History.


I think you're right - I think I remember from the TOG forums that the answers are in the teacher notes, but not spelled out verbatim like the literature answers are. I imagine that it would have added way too many more pages to spell it out.

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I do wish it could be done secularly but I don't see how. We're sticking with Sonlight for that reason, that and I'm not interested in a schedule but the discussions look interesting. But the boys and I have discussions over their copywork so maybe I'll just get Teaching the Classics and call it a day. :)

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I feel so much LESS pressure in regards to prep than I ever did with Sonlight. Sonlight kept me crazy busy daily...TOG takes much less of my time and the time I do spend is just plain enjoyable.


Thanks for posting posted! So often, we only come here to ask for suggestions or share what isn't working; it's always encouraging to hear when people are so satisfied. And it's wonderful that there are different programs that suit different learning and teaching styles. I'm such a Sonlight person ~ no pressure, no crazy-busy feelings. SL is the highlight of my day and my homeschooling. I'm glad you feel the same about ToG.:)

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I do wish it could be done secularly but I don't see how. We're sticking with Sonlight for that reason, that and I'm not interested in a schedule but the discussions look interesting. But the boys and I have discussions over their copywork so maybe I'll just get Teaching the Classics and call it a day. :)


I would use TOG secularly like others use SL secularly...just take out the worldview/bible books as you come across objectionable ones. We don't like crafts, so we have taken out the Activity Books with no ill effect. I realize in year 1 it might be a bit harder when dealing with the Israelites, etc., but the Israelites DID exist so learning about them IS history. ;) In learning about Egyptian and Greek culture, and their various gods, etc., I don't feel that I am teaching my son to share in their beliefs...we learn about them; we discuss them; it's fascinating; it's history!! :D

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The only thing I am disappointed with in TOG, and I mean the ONLY thing, is that we are not given an actual answer key for the questions on the Student Activity Pages. I have had to find the answers myself in the teacher's notes by thoroughly reading them and highlighting them. The Literature assignments have an answer key, the mapping assignments have an answer key, but not the Bible & History. :sad: Unless, of course, I am missing something? Jessica hon, are you there? Are they perhaps hidden somewhere that I don't know about? :confused1: :001_smile:



The answers to the SAP worksheets are in the Teacher's Notes. Past the UG discussion outlines and World Book pages. I've look through my TOG2 Unit 4 book to see and each week has the answers in the Teacher's Notes.


Bible and History-do you mean Church History? The discussion outlines provide the answers don't they? I'm not sure if I understand what you're saying. I'm still in LG level anyways, so I'm not the best person to ask.

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The answers to the SAP worksheets are in the Teacher's Notes. Past the UG discussion outlines and World Book pages. I've look through my TOG2 Unit 4 book to see and each week has the answers in the Teacher's Notes.


Bible and History-do you mean Church History? The discussion outlines provide the answers don't they? I'm not sure if I understand what you're saying. I'm still in LG level anyways, so I'm not the best person to ask.


I think this is perhaps something TOG perfected as they went along. As I glance through my weeks ahead I see more and more answers in my Teachers Notes.


I meant both the Church History (which is also Bible Survey in Y1) as well as the actual History Accountability and Thinking questions, and no, I do not see actual answers for either in my last two weeks lessons, especially for the Bible Survey; I see no notes on it at all? Hmmm... Several questions were asked in the SAP's Dialectic Bible Survey (ten to be exact) and not one single note in the Teacher's Notes addressing anything about the assigned Bible questions at all. I read the bible with him this week so I KNEW the answers, but had he read it on his own, I would have not known for sure if he were answering correctly, KWIM?


Looking ahead in my weeks I see the History discussion answers getting more thorough, but it is still hit and miss with the Bible. Some weeks there are answers or discussion prompts, some none at all. I wonder why? The Rhetoric level seems to have answers each week...just not Dialectic. I didn't even look at the lower levels.


I think perhaps I will just continue to do the bible survey with him. Perhaps that was TOG's intent. I surely don't mind us doing bible reading together...it does NOT take away my giddy infatuation in TOG one iota. :D

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I am LOVING TOG!!!!!


And you know what? I feel so much LESS pressure in regards to prep than I ever did with Sonlight. Sonlight kept me crazy busy daily...TOG takes much less of my time and the time I do spend is just plain enjoyable.


Ok, that's it. I feel better getting that off my chest...I couldn't contain it any longer, ya know? :lol:


What about SL kept you busy? What do you think the main difference is between the two? I'm a SLer, but TOG looks very interesting.


Glad it is working for you!!!!

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What about SL kept you busy? What do you think the main difference is between the two? I'm a SLer, but TOG looks very interesting.


Glad it is working for you!!!!


Sonlight is made to be done with your child. You read the bible, you read the history, you read the read-aloud, etc. The only thing in SL that you DON'T read for, or with, them is their Literature book.


Tapestry is made, at least in the upper levels of D, RH and some UG, to be done independently. The CHILD reads the bible (or worldview), the History selections, and the Literature on his very own. He then has questions and worksheets to complete, again, on his own. Geography mapping he can also do on his own. There are few essential-to-the-program Read-alouds if any scheduled and my son loves this aspect because now we have time to read books he's interested in. Right now we are reading, and loving, The Hobbit.


Basically, besides being there to help with any questions he has during the day, all I do with him daily is Spelling (Sequential) and reading our read-aloud, though we don't always get to it each day and that's OK, because it is not integral to our studies. I have also been doing Bible with him M-TH, but in reality this too could be done independently.


On Wednesday's I give him his writing assignment for the week, and on Friday's we get together to discuss all he learned through his week, by going over his Student Activity Pages (questions & literature worksheets) and discussing other points of interest from my Teacher's Notes. We also do our Harmony Fine Arts and will begin adding in Atelier approx 1x a month as well. I look over his completed writing assignment on Friday too.


What my son likes about TOG, besides the independent-ness of it, is that he is basically done with all his history and Literature on Thursday. Friday's are fun days with just discussion, Art, Math, English and Latin. He also likes to work on his lapbook on Friday. It's a nice stress free day for him...and the entire week is stress-free for me. ;)

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I am LOVING TOG!!!!! :party:


Our discussions are going SO WELL! My son continually shocks me on how much he is learning and how much he is enjoying learning it. I am just so happy right now...can you tell? :w00t:


And you know what? I feel so much LESS pressure in regards to prep than I ever did with Sonlight. Sonlight kept me crazy busy daily...TOG takes much less of my time and the time I do spend is just plain enjoyable.


Ok, that's it. I feel better getting that off my chest...I couldn't contain it any longer, ya know? :lol:


I am absolutely with you, girl!!!!

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I would use TOG secularly like others use SL secularly...just take out the worldview/bible books as you come across objectionable ones. We don't like crafts, so we have taken out the Activity Books with no ill effect. I realize in year 1 it might be a bit harder when dealing with the Israelites, etc., but the Israelites DID exist so learning about them IS history. ;) In learning about Egyptian and Greek culture, and their various gods, etc., I don't feel that I am teaching my son to share in their beliefs...we learn about them; we discuss them; it's fascinating; it's history!! :D


I have only looked at Year 1, so that might be the issue. I just could not figure out how though as the entire year seems to be based on Bible stuff. I guess I'm going to have to look again and harder. :) And I don't have any problem with the kids learning History, it is just when stories are presented as facts, when Christianity is presented as the norm, that I get discouraged. All our reading and even our dates are interjected with so much Christianity as it is that I get weary.

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Sonlight is made to be done with your child. You read the bible, you read the history, you read the read-aloud, etc. The only thing in SL that you DON'T read for, or with, them is their Literature book.


Tapestry is made, at least in the upper levels of D, RH and some UG, to be done independently. The CHILD reads the bible (or worldview), the History selections, and the Literature on his very own. He then has questions and worksheets to complete, again, on his own. Geography mapping he can also do on his own. There are few essential-to-the-program Read-alouds if any scheduled and my son loves this aspect because now we have time to read books he's interested in. Right now we are reading, and loving, The Hobbit.


Ah, that is what I am loving about Sonlight (but maybe after reading the books the umpteenth time, I wouldn't :)). I am getting as much (if not more) out of the books I read as they do. And I love discussing topics and ideas with them - this occurs naturally as I read the books.

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I am LOVING TOG!!!!! :party:


Our discussions are going SO WELL! My son continually shocks me on how much he is learning and how much he is enjoying learning it. I am just so happy right now...can you tell? :w00t:


And you know what? I feel so much LESS pressure in regards to prep than I ever did with Sonlight. Sonlight kept me crazy busy daily...TOG takes much less of my time and the time I do spend is just plain enjoyable.


Ok, that's it. I feel better getting that off my chest...I couldn't contain it any longer, ya know? :lol:


:hurray:That's wonderful!

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I have only looked at Year 1, so that might be the issue. I just could not figure out how though as the entire year seems to be based on Bible stuff. I guess I'm going to have to look again and harder. :) And I don't have any problem with the kids learning History, it is just when stories are presented as facts, when Christianity is presented as the norm, that I get discouraged. All our reading and even our dates are interjected with so much Christianity as it is that I get weary.


I am currently using this secularly. We started in the middle of Year 2. I think, looking at Year 1, that I'll probably only be able to use half of it. Other than that, though, so far I've found it very adaptable. We just toss out the providential history stuff and the church history. I switch out some of their books with items I prefer. Most of the reading has not been problematic, though - they offer alternates that are secular.

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