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Exercise Thread ~ 6/29 - 7/5


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Kundalini Yoga for Energy & Super Radiance - very long, not everyone's cup of tea by any means as far as the "weird" category goes for those who are averse to that sort of thing :lol: , but definitely energizing.


Happy Birthday Soror!



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Kundalini yoga is enjoyable.  If I only did yoga (and not running and kettlebell) I would be torn between Ashtanga and Kundalini.  I know Kundalini can go a bit "weird", but it's very energizing.


Happy Birthday, Soror!


Today was a 7 mile run.  My legs feel tired but the run felt good.  I'm tired and I still need to wash the walls in my room.  But I should not have to do anything else for a week, until the spackle and plaster repair work gets done. 

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Ah, more birthday wishes, thanks so much!


Let's see I'm a bit behind on posting. Saturday I did a bodyweight circuit with dh, my legs are still sore as we did some exercises I haven't done in awhile. Sunday I did several sets of pull-ups. I tested and I can do them with just my 50 lb band. I was doing both my 50 and 25 lb bands, when I started back I couldn't even do it with both, so the exercises I've been doing with my extension bands have been helping me to gain strength, the plus is that I keep them up all the time so even when I'm not feeling great I can often get in a few sets of those here and there. I can even squeek out one pull-up with just the 25 lb band!!! My goal is to be up to doing at least 1 unassisted pull-up by the end of August. I also hope to have lost 10 lbs by then, so I figure if I keep working on increasing strength and losing weight I should have it no problem! So, the month of July I will do my practice with the 50 lb band until I'm able to get in at least 10, then I'll switch to the 25 hopefully by the end of the month.


Oh, and we bought kayaks! We took a little trip up the river with them, which was nice but hard work. I'm a total novice so I managed to get myself very wet but it was a good workout, I could definitely feel it in my forearms, shoulders and traps. It was a lovely evening we paddled hard upstream and then floated back down together. I think we will be going out again this week.


I believe I will be buying the MuTu System next week when it goes on sale and I'm very excited to be working my core without worrying about causing damage. Dh should also be getting T25 next week or the week after. I don't know that I'll be up to doing it with him but I think I might try 10-15 minutes or so. I'm trying to not get too intense as to not stress out my system, which seems too easily stressed but it is hard to tell sometimes what amount is good to build up and what is tearing me down. It seems the longer bike rides are still a bit much recovery wise for me, although I greatly enjoy them.

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Kundalini yoga again. Will be doing this until the first week of August. I've never stuck to a rotation before. 


Kundalini yoga is enjoyable.  If I only did yoga (and not running and kettlebell) I would be torn between Ashtanga and Kundalini.  I know Kundalini can go a bit "weird", but it's very energizing.


Today was a 7 mile run.  My legs feel tired but the run felt good.  

Kim, I'd never tried Kundalini until now. I always thought it would be too weird for me. It takes some getting used to, but Raviana (Ravi Brett & Ana Singh) make it much more normal - no white turbans, etc. I've never tried Ashtanga. On the Video Fitness forums, someone said that it's like the P90X of yoga. I keep reading about the benefits of Kundalini and would like to try it and see if it helps me also. 


I miss running :(. Good job on 7 Miles :D! The most I ever used to do was 4. 

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Happy Belated Birthday Soror :party:

I took three days off, unheard of for me, to hang with friends from college who came to visit.  I ran 3 miles this morning in good time so no damage done to my fitness I guess.  The scale says I'm up 3 pounds though, and considering the eating and drinking that's possible.  I'm hoping it's some water.  Onward and upward though!  I'm  off to google kundalini practice.

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Canoeing last night with whole family (we have a big canoe!). Oh, my goodness my shoulders really felt it paddling 2 days in a row. The kids did great, we were a little scared they would be moving around too much but even the 1.5 yo did just fine. We paddled a little further up the river than last night up to a little swimming hole and played around a bit and paddled down river. I had planned on doing pullups and other upper body work today but considering the soreness of my shoulders I think that will wait until tomorrow, today I will instead be doing some lower body strength training body weight work. My legs are still a bit sore from Sat but it will be good to work it a bit. Otherwise I'm not sure, we'll probably try for a walk this evening. I'll have to see what dh wants to do.

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Love the emoticons, are you going to literally be upside down? I'm not that adventurous! We did have a great time.


I've got to share this link, which you'll not enjoy unless your a geek but I thought it funny. Dh has signed up for updates from nerd fitness and the one today was about picking your "class", like rl roleplaying but with a fitness spin. I love it, focusing on your goals in deciding what to do is awesome. I think I'm an adventurer and slightly assasin :)


I'm loving dh being more into health. It is so nice to do things together. I mean we did before but we had slacked off from what we did previously. Now we are just focused on thinking of ways to have fun and work our bodies together, which makes it all so much more enjoyable. We have our 15th anniversary this month and we are psyched about planning an adventurer. I'm not sure how much time we will have but it will involve hiking, rock climbing or kayaking or some combo. I'm dying to go rock climbing as it's been months, our last trip was supposed to be an outside climb but during the only week dh could get off work it rained all week. 

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Yesterday we ended up doing a few rounds of bodyweight work. I did pullups but should have waited I could tell I was a bit fatigued. We also played around a bit on the Wii Fit. No walk due to a downpour. Good day, stayed nice and busy. I'm babysitting today so I'm not sure. We are going to the beach but I doubt I get to do much of anything with all the kids I'll be busy just keeping an eye on them. I've also been awake since 2:30a so it is not likely that I'm going to be very energetic today, anyway probably a "rest" day.

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Behind in my posts! Swim team for kids started this week so for me that means more running.

Sunday, 8M

Monday 3 walk, 3 run....spin class and body sculpt in the evening

Tuesday, 3 walk/run intervals. 4 run miles

Today is a meet....will probably walk/ run this morning and then come home and do some sort of strength and stretching exercises.

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JM cardio kickbox on youtube. Again, one of my favorites for days when you just need to get it done.


My knee started hurting 1/4 through it so I put my  homemade knee brace on it. Then it felt fine. So I case I'll be using the brace for awhile. I hope not forever. Sigh.

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My Achilles was still sore this morning, so since I was taking the kids to swim practice I decided to swim.  I haven't done laps in a year.  I did 1500 yds, and it took me 45 mins to do that. :D My kids did 24 100's after swimming for an hour, and they did it on the minute...  


I also did some weights when I was done: 3x5 presses, squats, rows, and push-ups.  

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I ran to the school, ran the cross country course and ran home. Somehow my time was awesome. Unusually cool weather? Wasting the day at the pool yesterday? The vodka tonic in the evening? Who knows. I hope it's one of the two latter things. What great ways to boost performance :p . I also did kettle bell this morning. Because I know I'm eating an elephant ear tomorrow.


My Achilles was still sore this morning, so since I was taking the kids to swim practice I decided to swim. I haven't done laps in a year. I did 1500 yds, and it took me 45 mins to do that. :D My kids did 24 100's after swimming for an hour, and they did it on the minute...


I also did some weights when I was done: 3x5 presses, squats, rows, and push-ups.

I quit racing my kids in the water. I can outlast them but speed in the water is not my gift.
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I got up late because I lack self discipline and stayed up too late reading. So I only had time for a very quick short run. I did 1/2 mile, but did it with my dog. That was a humbling experience. If you're ever feeling too cocky about your run time, take a 2 yr old lab along to run with you....on a leash. You'll realize that what you think is a pretty good paced stride is really just barely a trot for the dog. 

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I think I'm going to call today another rest day so I can fully recover from soreness and the lack of sleep Wednesday night. I've been busy cleaning around here and will likely do some fun stuff on the Wii but nothing big. Dh is gone tonight as well and we usually do a chill out night. Dh is off for the next 3 days now so we'll probably get in a family event one day and at least something else one other day.

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The weather is so perfect here today!  I'm keeping my runs short because my Achilles is not 100% yet, so this morning I did 100 swings then 2 per side Turkish get-ups, then ran 3.75 miles, came home and did another 2/side TGUs and 100 swings.  I plan on another set of those later.  


On the list today is cleaning the house, but all I really want to do is sit outside and read my mystery novel. :)

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Snickerdoodle I woke up rearing to go as well and did some exercise early this am, which is very uncharacteristic for me. I got 7 hrs of sleep last night, the most I've had in months (I did get woke up 3 times but I managed to go back to sleep in a reasonable time) so I feel super awesome.


So, 2 sets of pull-ups and 100 kb swings done so far, plan to do another 100 kb swings and another set of pull-ups, also want to get in some squats and lunges. May go canoeing today, not sure.

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Snickerdoodle I woke up rearing to go as well and did some exercise early this am, which is very uncharacteristic for me. I got 7 hrs of sleep last night, the most I've had in months (I did get woke up 3 times but I managed to go back to sleep in a reasonable time) so I feel super awesome.


We're on fire today!   Woot!




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LOL, you make me think of the Girl on Fire song (whatever its called) by Alicia Keys the girls sing it all the time!


I've nearly done 100 pull-ups total today, will finish 100 by the end of the day and another 100 kb swings. I decided to lunges and squats tomorrow. I think we'll be taking a short walk after supper and I'm feeling so good I might sprint a bit. No time for boating tonight I forgot about the fireworks.


OH, and the MuTU system goes on sale Sunday for 43% off, I'm very excited to give it a go. I've want to recover my core strength for awhile but with the separation I'm nervous about doing anything. I have noticed I'm getting some strength just from the other work I'm doing so at least I'm not quite as jiggly, I'm looking forward to being firm though!

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OOPs I cannot add, I did 50 pullups yesterday and only ended up with 130 swings. No walk, dhs ankle was sore, we played around some with the Wii, so not big activity but better than sitting around. Something with legs today, I've already done some squats might do part of a video I have. I told dh we have to do something more active today a walk or bike ride or canoe, something!

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100 pull-ups! WTG, soror. 


Today the weather was so nice again that I went for a run.  I did 4 miles, then came home and did 100 kb swings, and 3x5 clean & presses and 1 arm rows.  I'm hoping to get at least another 100 swings in today, maybe 200, but I'll have to see.  I also have to clean up in my room (the windows, baseboards, and doors are covered in plaster dust) and get the tape off from the painting.  I may try and rip up the carpet by myself just to see the floor.  We have someone coming to refinish the floor next week (I hope!).



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