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I had an incredibly refreshing conversation last night...


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... that had the potential to go downhill.


Apparently DD12 has been involved in some less than desirable back and forth on an internet forum with a mutual friend's friend. This girl's mom asked mutual friend's mom for my number. I was anticipating the worst... instead, the mom was very gracious, very understanding, more than willing to take responsibility for her dd's part in the back and forth (as I was for my dd's part). She was upbeat, positive, reminded me that she was sure we both remembered how difficult it can be to be a tween/young teen and that she was just sure our girls could find some common ground, considering they already shared a friend.


It was just refreshing. No real point to this thread :) We've had some negative interaction with another girl's parents (or unwillingness to communicate at all when other girl's mom refused to acknowledge that her daughter had sent videos calling my daughter everything from ugly to a moron, taunting her, in over a dozen videos), so it was refreshing to speak with a parent who wants to fix the situation, with me, and help the girls actually get along, without throwing stones.

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