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The rudest thing EVER!!!


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I agree. Also, I feel revulsion when I see someone spit on the sidewalk. Get a tissue, please, and spit in that. So gross. Why is it always men who spit on the ground? Disgusting. I can't stand men who spit on the ground.


I so agree... that is so nasty.. I don't want to step in your bodily fluids people!  gross.

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This post made me laugh. Honestly, don't ever go to Korea where the smog clogs your lungs and they spit a lot more disgusting things on the ground then gum.


There is a reason they don't wear their shoes in the house and it isn't all cultural LOL. After arriving off the plane it took me all of 2 minutes to ban all shoes stepping any further then the outside hall of our apartment....and I have always been ok with people wearing shoes in the house before then LOL.


I've heard the same thing about China... they even do it INDOORS!  Nasty, nasty.  And, it's not just spit - but a hock and a spit.  Shutter.  so gross. 

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This is an interesting thread. I can't even remember the last time I saw gum or a cigarette butt on the ground. I don't see many people smoking or chewing gum, either, so that might have something to do with it.


Or maybe I'm just not that observant. ;)

Have a baby. Toddlers will find every cigarette butt or wad of gum on the ground.

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This is an interesting thread. I can't even remember the last time I saw gum or a cigarette butt on the ground. I don't see many people smoking or chewing gum, either, so that might have something to do with it.


Or maybe I'm just not that observant. ;)


I do occasionally see people smoking because I have to walk by the smoking area at work, which is outside on the edge of the parking garage.  Definitely not as much as I used to see it, usually it's just one or two people now.  I used to remember crowds.  And since smoking is banned indoors just about everywhere here (NJ), you really don't see it much.


I don't see much gum around either.  My kids don't chew gum.  When they were littler it was a big choking hazard and I really didn't see the point.  Now, neither seems to miss it so I still don't see the point..


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Have a baby. Toddlers will find every cigarette butt or wad of gum on the ground.


Or take a class at the local junior college.  Ours is a NON smoking campus, and yet, cigarette butts aplenty.  And gum under the desks.  I feel like I need a bath when I get home.  But I just wash my hands really well.

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Have a baby. Toddlers will find every cigarette butt or wad of gum on the ground.

I was very lucky that way -- my ds never had any interest in that stuff when he was little, and I probably didn't have to tell him more than once not to pick stuff up off the ground.


He was never a kid who stuck things in his mouth, either, so that was another blessing. I'd like to take credit for having taught him so well, but the fact is, he never did it to begin with!

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