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Exercise Thread ~ 6/22 - 6/28


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yep. That's it alright. I can't hardly get into the squat he demonstrated. Yowza!


I am going to have to start with just massaging it using my hand and not my body weight. I cannot imagine doing that right now. I gasped just watching him, lol.


But I will give it a shot. Maybe start with a firmly rolled up sock or something before I try a ball?


And maybe I was casting aspersions on my nordic track unfairly. Seems it is caused by SITTING. You know, the thing I do all day? Like now?

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5 mile run today.  I ran on a treadmill while my kids were at swimming.  I didn't think I would be able to run much so I decided to do intervals.  After a warm up of a mile I did 2 mins fast, then a min walk, a min slow run.  I did that 8 times, but then the last 2 I stretched it out to 4 mins fast.  I did 5 miles today and it felt good.  I also did 30 bench push-ups, then 3x5 per side presses and 1 arm rows.  


Tomorrow is more wallpaper stripping and cleaning. 

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I played in the pool last night with the kids. I wasn't able to swim as I always had a kid  but I did run while carrying one and holding another, which in 4 ft tall water was a bit of a challenge. So, at least that's something. Today I'm planning on bodyweight and kettlebell training and maybe a walk.

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Well, I am in. My plan is to do the Leslie Sansone walk at home workouts. There are several on Youtube. Also I am trying out Winsor Pilates.  I picked up a couple of VHS tapes a a yard sale and found out my library has the basic instructional tape that teaches how to do all the moves. So this morning I popped the instructional tape in. Basically I will probably have to do the modified form of most of the movements. Yes I am out of shape and inflexible. 



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