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swimming and hair care


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We used to own a house that had a pool.  It was a salt water pool and we kept it in great shape.  We moisturized our hair and it stayed in great shape too.  Now we don't own a pool.  So Saturday we went swimming at the local public pool and now my hair is like straw.  I have never had my hair feel quite like this. Last night I put in a ton of Aragon oil and left it in overnight.  My hair is better this morning, but nearly as good as before swimming.  How to get my hair back into shape and how do I keep it healthy and swim at the local pool?  We love swimming and this is a nice facility.  But, my hair doesn't love it at all.......

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Dd is on the swim team, plus she has my frizzy hair.  Not a good combination.  She's tried a lot of different "no poo" things, but her favorite is coconut oil.  She puts a LITTLE (she used too much at first.... BIG mess....) on her wet hair when she showers, lets it rest awhile, and then rinses it just like you would conditioner.  She said you have to use hot water to rinse it out because cold just doesn't do as well.


She also wears a swim cap to protect her hair from the pool water.



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My DD has fine blonde hair and is a swimmer. Straw city! When she started, I was told to completely wet her hair with water before swim and to apply a bit of conditioner throughout and not rinse it out all the way. Then swim cap. The idea is that if your hair is already saturated, it won't absorb as much of the chlorinated water. I imagine there is some osmosis action, but it really does seem to help. Also, there is shampoo you can buy. We have tried Triswim, UltraSwim, and Paul Mitchell Clarifying Shampoo Three. The last one is the favorite. 

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a cap and a good shampoo 2x immediately after getting out of the pool made a difference for dudeling's hair.  (he was swimming 2x per week.)


you also need to wash your skin really well as the chlorine will take its toll there too.

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As soon as they come out of the pool from practice, I had them shower.  I bought the towel wraps for the hair.  When the girls came out we used the special swimmer's conditioner.  They wrapped their hair and rinsed in the sink when we got home.


This was the only way that I could keep their hair soft and manageable.  Practice 3 to 5 times and hours in the pool each week and it worked.  


BTW rinse off at the public pool ... they should have an outside shower somewhere for that reason.

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Dd has long blond hair and swims 8-10 times per week.  She wears a swim cap and washes and conditions her hair after every practice.  This has been going on for years, year round.  Her hair has never been straw or turned green.  You don't need to get it wet first, put conditioner on it before you get in or buy expensive shampoo - just wear a cap and be religious about washing it every time.  Even if it is twice a day.


If you are spending the day at the pool, and getting in and out so the chlorine dries on it without washing, you will get more of the bleached-blond, straw effect.

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Dd has long blond hair and swims 8-10 times per week.  She wears a swim cap and washes and conditions her hair after every practice.  This has been going on for years, year round.  Her hair has never been straw or turned green.  You don't need to get it wet first, put conditioner on it before you get in or buy expensive shampoo - just wear a cap and be religious about washing it every time.  Even if it is twice a day.


If you are spending the day at the pool, and getting in and out so the chlorine dries on it without washing, you will get more of the bleached-blond, straw effect.


Hair is different. When DD did only what your DD does, her hair was definitely like straw, extremely brittle/fragile. The special shampoo helped enormously. Of course the OP should start with the easiest and cheapest solution, so I hope your advice works for her. But I think there is no universal hair truth with respect to chlorine. LOL

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