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Stupid FB questions


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I'm still pretty new to Fb and I'm still trying to figure some things out.


1) is there any way to see who has been looking at your profile...esp. non-friends - if you have it open to non-friends.?


2).  I have a friend on FB and I noticed that her updates were not going on my timeline (is that what it's called).  At first I assumed it was because she was never on FB, but I went to her page and there she was sharing away.   So I figured I had to "follow" her...and did.  Now she still doesn't show up on my timeline but I'm constantly getting notifications that she has updated her status or shared a link or some such.  BTW, she's an uber-poster.  :001_rolleyes:  yes, occasionally it's interesting and I 'like to keep up, but I don't need the constant notifications.    Is there something I'm missing?  Why doesn't her stuff show up on my timeline like everyone else?



Thanks in advance for helping...

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Her stuff will not show up on your timeline unless she tags you.   Where you see everything that people post that you are friends with is your News Feed.


I'm not sure what the point of "following" someone if you're already friends.   I think following someone is so you can see public posts of someone you're not "friends" with. 

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okay, sorry... I'm using the wrong terminology.   none of her stuff has ever showed up on my Newsfeed...both before I started "following" her and after.  


yeah, I don't get the point of following either.  But there was someone I was following with whom I was not "friends" with and his stuff was always showing up on my Newsfeed.  I never got notifications that he had posts/shared.   I'm now friends with him and the only thing that changed is that I can comment on his posts.    I guess hers is different because she has it set that way??? 

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I think it sounds like perhaps you've hidden her somehow. I believe you perhaps reactivated an older account, right? Did you possibly hide her before and she stayed hidden when you reactivated? You can unhide somehow -- can't remember exactly how; maybe go to her profile and click some of the thingies under her cover photo to see what options are there.

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You can't see who's looked at your page.


FB controls what you see on your feed through an algorithm based on what they want you to see coupled with what you've actually liked and commented on.  Unfollow her to get rid of the notifications.  Like her stuff a few times and it will start to show up.  Toggle between "Most Recent" and "Top Stories" sometimes in the corner (FB will keep changing it back to top anyway).  But overall, you can't make the feed show you want you want.  It's FB's biggest flaw.  Everyone knows it.  It's why a lot of people have left FB, IMO.

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Sounds like it has to do with her settings rather than yours. For example, I have more than half my friends list set as acquaintances, and my status updates to go out to "friends but not acquaintances." That way their constant posting doesn't show up in my news feed, but I can go directly to their pages and write in their timelines. The reverse is true - my posts don't show up in their newsfeeds, but they can visit my timeline anytime.


Please don't take it personally. I have limited time for fb-ing and I find it very helpful to screen out posts of endless memes, hour by hour updates, links to articles of contrary political views, etcetera,despite their being made by folks I really do like!

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Run! Run while you still can!


Why?  I've found FB to be very useful -- I make it work for me instead of letting it control me. I don't friend anyone (except my two sisters and my son), I only join groups that are immediately relevant to my life (local yard sale group, one Orthodox group, a homeschooling-related one) and when I "like" a page, I immediately hide its notifications (if I want to see what they're up to, I'll go to their page on my time).  I have one or two "liked" pages that don't have hidden notifications: A daily thoughtful religious post that reminds me throughout the day of what's important to me, and a local yum restaurant that posts its specials menu daily. I only put stuff on my wall that I want my sisters and parents to see (update on family activities, for example). I also use messaging like email. Since making these changes and using it this way, FB hasn't been addictive for me. Facebook doesn't have to be a bad, time-consuming thing. 

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I'm still pretty new to Fb and I'm still trying to figure some things out.


1) is there any way to see who has been looking at your profile...esp. non-friends - if you have it open to non-friends.?


2).  I have a friend on FB and I noticed that her updates were not going on my timeline (is that what it's called).  At first I assumed it was because she was never on FB, but I went to her page and there she was sharing away.   So I figured I had to "follow" her...and did.  Now she still doesn't show up on my timeline but I'm constantly getting notifications that she has updated her status or shared a link or some such.  BTW, she's an uber-poster.  :001_rolleyes:  yes, occasionally it's interesting and I 'like to keep up, but I don't need the constant notifications.    Is there something I'm missing?  Why doesn't her stuff show up on my timeline like everyone else?


1) no


2) like her posts a few times and they will show up more frequently. fb is really annoying that way.

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