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Recommendations for foregn language

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I am considering French.  Can't believe my high-schooler wants to do French... but I did French 1-3 in high school, so I will really enjoy it.  Leaning toward BJUP simply because I see their Spanish program being used in our homeschool co-op, so it must be good LOL.

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My daughter wants to do French in a class setting and its been a challenge to figure out exactly how that's going to happen. Spanish is everywhere but she's not interested.  


If you're looking for online options, Monarch/Alpha Omega is a good one. Also check Potter's School, PA Homeschoolers, and BYU Independent Study.


Our homeschool group uses Spanish I- BJU Press (1st or 2nd edition) and Activities Manual Spanish I - BJU Press (1st or 2nd edition).


Our previous group usesDéclic 1 Méthodes de français and workbook: Déclic 1 Cahier d’exercices

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Using Rosetta Stone (homeschool version) for Spanish is my one major regret with homeschooling.  My kids got all As via their grading system, but learned practically nothing.  Oldest couldn't test out of even one semester of beginning Spanish when he tried a college placement test.  Middle then opted to get basic "Learn to Speak Spanish" books from our library and told me he learned far more from them in just one year than he had learned with three years of RS.  It also irked me that they had a ps peer over who was in Spanish 1 at school and they couldn't understand what he was doing in major sections.


Then there was that cost... had they done well, I wouldn't have minded the cost.  Considering they got As with RS scoring, I'll admit it's still quite a sore spot with me.  They don't even allow resales... and if a computer change is required (as it was when ours died), you have to call them and answer quite a few questions as to when/how you bought it, etc, to get a code to put it on the new computer.


So, if we get to redo (homeschool) life with just one change, finding anything else EXCEPT RS would be mine.

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I just signed my son up at our community college for the fall for foreign language.  We tried an online class through OSU (It was a solid class but my ds did not do well with it), Rosetta Stone (he liked it but had difficulty with no teacher support).  Ultimately, I decided he needed to be in a brick and mortar building in a classroom environment.  Neither dh or I are fluent in another language and we can't give the support he needs.  The OSU class did have once a week teacher conversations but it was not enough for my son.

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We did French in Action.  http://www.learner.org/resources/series83.html

There are some quizzes here: http://quizlet.com/subject/french-in-action/

The text book is mostly a transcript of the tapes, which at first you'll think is useless.  But you realize later you can't really follow things unless you have it written down.

The workbooks are only good if you can also get access to the tapes.


For myself, I also did Pimsleur for French.




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