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I just LOVE getting bargins!

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Today was the day of bargins for me! I get such a 'high' when I find good deals. DH says I end up spending more, because I buy stuff for cheap that we either don't need or I wouldn't normally buy for the 'thrill of the deal'. But today, I actually found deals on stuff we were needing to buy! JC Penny was having a buy one get one for $.88. So I went to look (my oldest seems to have out grown EVERYTHING from last year) anyway, one pair of jeans was $34. I about fell over....so I quickly left empty handed and went to a Children's Place outlet. They were having an awesome clearance and got 6 pairs of pants for under $30 :hurray:


Then I went to Burlington Coat Factory and happened to walk by the kids section and saw a floor modle carseat that was on a great clearance. We needed a new one for youngest DS that could hold up to 100 lbs, but they are expensive! Anyway this was a $100 carseat on clearance for $30!! It is the nicest carseat I've ever owned! lol


Then, my final stop, I went to our grocery store and they had pepperoni that was normally $2 a package on sale for 10 for $10. I happened to notice one had a $.50 off coupon on it and I fished around and found 10 that had those coupons off....so I ended up getting $20 of pepperoni for $5.....THEN the meat department had it's ground beef that was expiring tomorrow 75% off. I got 16 lbs of meat for $12. WHEW! What a day of 'bargin highs'!!! Now I just have to find recipes that involve ground beef and pepperoni......Thank goodness those things freeze!!!


Thanks for letting me share!

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Yes, those are GREAT deals.


I have found that the day after a summer holidy is a GREAT day for getting ground beef on sale. The day after Memorial Day I picked up really lean ground beef for $1/pound as it had been on sale for the holiday and then was marked down that morning as it hadn't all sold. I bought about 25 pounds.

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