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book or movie showing exactly how birds build nests?

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My daughter has wanted to know for a long time exactly how birds build what we think of as traditional nests, the round kinds in trees made of grass or twigs or reeds or whatever...how do they weave them, with only a beak? What does it look like when they work? How do they even get started, and how do they not just end up with a pile of grass at the end?


We have read lots of books, but they never answer the nitty-gritty questions about how the birds actually accomplish the deed. Does anyone know a good resource for us?

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The Life of Birds ( Attenborough ) is a fantastic video series. I remember that they had a fairly intricate study of Bower Birds building a nest, but that may not be what you are looking for.


I'd look on your Audubon website and see if there are any live cams that you can watch. They are in real time, so you can see the process.

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There might be something at the Lab of O




Really poke around there. It is a very big site. Look down at the bottom for all the little nooks and crannies, lol.


They also have a youtube channel:




You can also submit a question on their site. I think that is an excellent one, and I would be interested in the answer.

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I have no idea how old your child is but will share this lovely picture book in hopes you or others could enjoy it. It is based on a folktale and has lovely illustrations of the different types of nests different species of birds make. (No specific detail on the weaving though).



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I LOVE this book: http://www.amazon.com/Bird-Feather-Nest-Maryjo-Series/dp/0765107627


It features exquisite hand drawn illustrations of, surprise!, birds, eggs, feathers, and nests.  :)  It is a very thick book, and full of poetry selections, literary imagery, interesting scientific tidbits, and close ups into the world of birds.  I would consider it essential for any child or adult who wanted to study birds.

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We got a live show this year just a couple of feet from our school room window.  A bird built her nest in our patio umbrella, sat on eggs, and is now feeding baby birds. She worked on the nest for a long time, bringing long strands of dry grass and using her beak to place each strand into the nest.  It has been interesting to watch.

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Thanks so much, everyone!  This is a bunch of great resources.  I have already put a number of them on hold at our library.


KEllis: that video is IT!!  Exactly what she has been looking for!  Oh, wow.  I can't wait to show it to her.  It shows the bird really doing it--what it looks like for a bird to weave grass into a nest.  This is the best.  Thank you so much!


Kalmia, thanks for the ideas.  Yes, you would think a book called Avian Architecture would fulfill all her dreams.  However, we had the book from the library sone time ago, and it, like lots of other resources, didn't quite answer her particular questions.  It is a beautiful book and clearly shows the construction of lots of kinds of nests, but it doesn't actually tell/show how the bird itself does the construction.  She kept saying, "But how did the bird do what the book is saying?" 


Thanks again to all.  What a wealth of knowledge there is out there on these boards!

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The Life of Birds ( Attenborough ) is a fantastic video series. I remember that they had a fairly intricate study of Bower Birds building a nest, but that may not be what you are looking for.


I'd look on your Audubon website and see if there are any live cams that you can watch. They are in real time, so you can see the process.


I was impressed how my 2nd grader sat through all the Life of Birds episodes. He absolutely watched every bit of it and would pause it to tell me what's going on!

We enjoy watching the Bird Cams, too!

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I'm just going to throw this out there for anyone who could be interested since this is a bird thread. My DS8 did Apologia's flying creatures book for science this year, and it was quite heavy on bird details (nests, habitats, migration patterns, etc)...a little too much for me! :) My DS enjoyed it though.

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