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Anyone tried hypnobirthing?

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I've never done REAL hypnobirthing, but I did use a combination of tips from hypnobirthing and the Bradley method, for babies #3 and #4. That, along with a really fabulous midwife, made for 2 great births.


It was almost enough to convince me to become a Bradley instructor. Then I found out how expensive it is to become a Bradley instructor!

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I did for my last birth. I found a doula through my LaLeche League group who was trained in hypnobirthing. She worked with me during my pregnancy, and gave me a book, but I don't remember the name of it.


I would highly recommend finding a doula who knows how to do it. And it worked out very well!! I actually slept through most of my labor!! I would say that I only felt pain for maybe...15 minutes out of the entire thing, and that was during the pushing stage and that was because my daughter's arm and hand came out along with her head.


But my doula was incredible!!!! I wish I had one for my other three!! She was sooo encouraging! Always there with a kind word and a cool washcloth!! It was very comforting!

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I used hypnobirthing, but didn't purchase the tapes. I found a script online, taped my DH reading it (after a few tries because he kept cracking up and laughing while reading it). We listened to the tapes every evening before going to bed.


Child ended up being a trauma birth and needing assistance, I was numbed up because they were ready to do a c-section but doc was able to deliver him with clamps.


It's funny though, because DH and I look back at those times that we were 'practicing' self-relaxation and agree that we were the most relaxed and comfortable sleepers during that time. We joke that we should get the tapes back out just to help us get a good night's sleep again.

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I purchased the Hypnobabies materials. We laughed and laughed at first. My dh teased me and called it hippobabies. Not sure what that was about.


After getting over the laugh factor I did find them very soothing. I always fell asleep using them in the middle of the day. Anyway, my baby was born via emergency c-section and needed all sorts of intervention to make it. So, I didn't get to actually use it during labor but I was able to pull from the materials that we practiced to keep me from becoming hysterical when they were prepping me.


I've been thinking about selling my materials as I won't be able to use them again.



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Yes! I did with both my sons, and had fantastic birth experiences. I did have a doula with me both times, but the hypnotraining could certainly be used separately. Mostly it has to do with practice, practice, practice--which is a wonderful excuse for quiet mommy time late in pregnancy. It works beautifully, and I have even used my "training" for dealing with surgery/pain/stress in other situations since then!


You can check out the system we used at:


FYI, there is even a picture of dh and I and our first son and a quote from my dh somewhere in the FAQ, I think.


I have four close friends who used the same system (one friend did so well, we all chose to try it!), all with various doulas. All had short, easy, uncomplicated, unmedicated births, in either the hospital or at home--including one who used the system after having a horrible "traditional" birthing experience with her first. I think having a doula who knows how to assist you is wonderful, but it is not a necessary component of the hypbirth, particularly for experienced moms.


I had a party on Saturday, and we were all laughing about how we managed to befuddle our doctors/nurses/etc during labor because we were fully dialated and pushing but so focused, calm and collected that we had to convince them that "the baby is coming NOW". I can't recommend it highly enough, and would be happy to send you my more info if you pm me.

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I bought the hypnobabies stuff for baby #5, and like some of the others, the practicing generally put me to sleep. I think I practiced for about the last 3-5 weeks, so not nearly as long as they suggest. Then my labor with baby #5 lasted for --and I'm not kidding-- THREE DAYS. I have *no* idea if it helped or not. It was a very strange labor. I *think* it might have helped, but it certainly wasn't a pain-free experience by any stretch of the imagination. I subsequently sold the materials, and didn't use any of the techniques for baby #6.


I guess if you're somewhat interested, I would look for some materials on the cheap. It wouldn't be worth paying $300 for a class for me.

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I had a party on Saturday, and we were all laughing about how we managed to befuddle our doctors/nurses/etc during labor because we were fully dialated and pushing but so focused, calm and collected that we had to convince them that "the baby is coming NOW". I can't recommend it highly enough, and would be happy to send you my more info if you pm me.


That is SOOOO true!!!!!


I kept telling the nurses that I was having the baby NOW and pushing NOW and they were just standing around, blinking at me like, "Yeah, right."


Finally, my doula snapped out, "What part of N-O-W do you not understand?"


And that got everyone's attention.


Every nurse on the maternity floor came running into my room. One of them said, "we don't often get to see a natural birth." The hospital where my daughter was born had a 90% epidural rate.

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So amazing reading everyones posts...my experience was about the same. I did hynobirthing as well. I had a doula (as I am one too) and it was perfect. I had no pain at all...only felt that one moment...when they say...ring of fire. YEs...I felt that...and the urge to push. But 1 push later...I had a baby. That was it.


I was ready to get preggy again right after. I couldnt believe how easy it was. I highly recommend hypnobirthing. It was amazing.

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I used both the hypnosis programs with my last 2 babies.


They work but you really need to practice. With my last pregnancy my dd was 1 so that made practice time difficult.


I had no pain meds with any of my births and the nurses were almost laughing when I told them i didnt want any. They said there was no way i would make it since they were setting up pitocin.


I could feel the pressure but I was able to relax enough to be with it.



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