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Question for Catholic NFP users


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I read a lot about NFP because I hate it and I'm trying to like it. Or at least not hate it so passionately. Spoiler alert--it isn't working!!


I've read lots of blog and forum posts about people who have abstained for months or years.


How is that not a sin against the unitive aspect of teA?? Baby making is NOT the only purpose of teA!


I'd love to read something (blog, etc.) about the importance of the other purpose for teA, unity between spouses.

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I read a lot about NFP because I hate it and I'm trying to like it. Or at least not hate it so passionately. Spoiler alert--it isn't working!!


I've read lots of blog and forum posts about people who have abstained for months or years.


How is that not a sin against the unitive aspect of teA?? Baby making is NOT the only purpose of teA!


I'd love to read something (blog, etc.) about the importance of the other purpose for teA, unity between spouses.


Are you looking for a loophole to the teaching? You can look in the catechism about following your conscience, and how that is to be respected, even if it goes against Catholic teaching. Then simply recognize that your conscience cannot allow you to deny your marriage a healthy, normal intimacy, but at the same time you cannot in good conscience invite more children into your family. 

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Gosh, sorry! Not pregnant, AFAIK. DH did look at me funny a few days ago so you never know!


Loophole? No. If I didn't want to follow the teaching, I wouldn't. I'm just interested in reading about the importance of unity.


Actually, never mind. Too much thinking on a Friday afternoon.

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Actually, never mind. Too much thinking on a Friday afternoon.


From what I've seen, I'd put the "never mind" at the top of your first post, or this has the potential of blowing up over the weekend. Have seen it happen with this topic. 


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I would imagine that it could lead to sin if the abstinence effects your marriage in a negative way.  Some couples are truly able to make the decision to abstain long term for whatever reason and and still have unity in their marriage.  If they are able to do that and have good reason to abstain than I can't see it being sinful.  Other couples simply can not do it long term without it driving the couple apart, which is understandable but I think that would lead to it being sinful.  When it gets to that point I imagine the couple would need to reevaluate their reasons for abstaining.

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I will recommend seeing a dr who specializes in Napro again.  It may be expensive but its probably cheaper than another child for the time being.  And they may be able to help you figure out why your ovulation is so difficult to detect.

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I did read it and I enjoyed it. I don't use NFP anymore because my husband chose to get a vasectomy seeing that my pregnancies are life threatening high-risk. But it was a humorous read and she really met people in the, "Uuugh, this is driving me nuts but I know I need to keep using NFP" spot. I didn't expect that I'd be teary over some of it but it was a good read. The Kindle edition is a bargain too.

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