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Can you recommend some pro-vegetarian resources?


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Are there any vegetarians/vegans/pescatarians/nutritarians/"vegetable-arians" in the Hive who can recommend books about this way of eating?


I'm interested in learning more about the benefits of nutrient-dense foods as well as some ways to prepare them.


Thank you in advance!


Edit: Swapped out propaganda for resources in the title of the thread. My bad!

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Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman. Eating Well for Optimum Health by Andrew Weil. For the more ethical side of things, Diet for a Small Planet (actually I like her second book Hope's Edge better) by Lappe, and Diet for a New America by John Robbins come to mind as having been moving reads. I was pescetarian for a while in my twenties and I felt really, really good eating that way. I should probably start paying attention again!

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I have 3 of her cookbooks.  She is so real, non-judgemental about different "levels" of vegetarian and vegan.  Just seems like a lovely person.  And I enjoy using her books--  (although I hate that most recipes are 2-4 servings--she doesn't have kids.  So I always have to double or triple--but no big deal.)



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I don't tend to bother with books anymore as I've been eating this way for 17 years, but I know the ones already mentioned are good.  Also, The Engine 2 Diet, Forks Over Knives, and Skinny Bit$% (don't know if I can type that out) are popular ones.

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If you're on Facebook and want any recommendations for support groups where you can ask questions and learn more from people who are living this way, just let me know.   :)


I am TOTALLY on Facebook. Any social-media recommendations are more than welcomed!


Thanks guys. Just checked out the ebook of Eat to Live from my library and will get through all of these!

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Propaganda may not be the best word to use.  


Vegan With a Vengeance is my fave veg book, but I am no longer vegetarian.


I am trying to reclaim propaganda as a useful word meaning "marketing of ideas" although I realize the Soviets and the Nazis and the Fascists have given it quite a negative connotation!

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Many vegetarians would take issue with their beliefs or eating habits being described as propaganda.  Whether or not you are "trying to reclaim" it doesn't mean it isn't offensive to many people. Many people would put some of the lies told by PETA to be in this category.  FWIW, vegetarians and vegans do not hold a monopoly on nutrient dense foods.  I was a very healthy eating vegetarian/vegan for more than half my life and faced terrible nutrient deficiencies, including my skin basically falling apart.  My daughter is a reluctant pescetarian now after she had the same issues.  She needs more protein and other nutrients than being vegetarian provided for her.  Some people do well, but no diet is perfect for everyone.  

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If you're on FB, the Happy Herbivore page and her books are fabulous. She also has a website. I found HH through a friend after watching Forks over Knives (which is, I think, by the same people that wrote the China Study). Great documentary.

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Great list:)


British hubby and I watched a British series called 'Kill it, Cook it, Eat it' that is a nice addition to many of the books above. Very eye-opening, and it is very balanced. At the very, very least it encourages healthy eating, and intelligent informed choices

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Many vegetarians would take issue with their beliefs or eating habits being described as propaganda.  Whether or not you are "trying to reclaim" it doesn't mean it isn't offensive to many people. Many people would put some of the lies told by PETA to be in this category.  FWIW, vegetarians and vegans do not hold a monopoly on nutrient dense foods.  I was a very healthy eating vegetarian/vegan for more than half my life and faced terrible nutrient deficiencies, including my skin basically falling apart.  My daughter is a reluctant pescetarian now after she had the same issues.  She needs more protein and other nutrients than being vegetarian provided for her.  Some people do well, but no diet is perfect for everyone.  



Please known I had no intention to offend anyone, I was being foolishly glib. I'm not sure I fully realized that this was a politically fraught topic, although obviously it is!

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These are some groups on Facebook:


Dr Fuhrmans Eat To Live - Nutritarian Plant Based Diet

Eat to Live: Nutritarian Plant based Eating for optimal health

Dr Fuhrmans ETL - Nutritarian (Vegan) Plant Based Diet

FatFree Vegan

Herbie Lifestyle

Plant-Based Junkies (PB&J)


These are some pages:



Vegan Radiance

Engine 2 Diet

Esther's Kitchen


I have a bazillion more, but I won't overwhelm you.  :)

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