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Math Suggestions for Accelerated Rising Junior

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(Accelerated only in the sense that her math study is a bit ahead of the curve.  Her grade placement is age appropriate.)


My 16 year old sophomore just completed Calculus AB.  She has used Derek Owens curriculum the last two years, and was using Teaching Textbooks prior to that.  Her mastery of the content is good.  She finished the DO course with a solid A, though we don't know the AP exam score yet.  Her SAT Mathematics 2 score taken at the end of her freshman year was a 750, and her freshman year math PSAT score was 76.  She will probably going into a STEM course of study in college.


Coursework that can be done without regard to a specific daily meeting time works the best for her busy schedule.  Thus, local university courses and online courses that mandate meeting on a given day are not the first choice, though not an impossibility.


So, how what math would you do in these last two years of high school?  A full year of Calculus BC?  Stats?  Any curricula that you consider a good follow up to Derek Owens?


I am searching online like mad for information to answer these questions, but appreciate any specific thoughts people here may have.  :-)

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Clearly your dd has a talent for math.


The route I would go is Calc BC, Linear Algebra, Multivariable Calc, followed by Differential Equations (if you need another course)

Statistics could be taken concurrently with any of the above. 


I'm not sure of sources that would allow taking the courses without meeting in person or online. Perhaps she could do BC on her own and take the AP exam to back up her work. 

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My daughter is in a similar position, and that is one of the reasons we ended up sending her to a STEM magnet--I was out of math we could teach at home. Art of Problem Solving may have something, but I was not thrilled with them when I looked at the time. She had taken Calc AB in eighth grade (ChalkDust) and took BC at the magnet as a freshman. Her school (all of the schools in Georgia can participate) has a program that lets kids who have exhausted their high school's math options to take Calc 2 and Calc 3 through Georgia Tech. The lectures are live on Tech's campus but beamed into the high schools every morning where the students watch them in a classroom together. The students are admitted to Ga Tech (not everyone is accepted) for this program, and though they take tests on their HS campus, the tests are mailed back to the professor and his TAs for grading. The high school does nothing but provide hardware for the streaming and a teacher to hand out exams. If a HS student misses a live streamed lecture, which happens any time the HS's and Tech's breaks do not line up, she can watch it online within an hour or so of its being live. I assume this is available to on-campus Tech students as well. Unless your daughter is in a public high school in Georgia, this is not the answer, but my point is that perhaps there is something similar with a local or online college? I am wary of online colleges generally, but this is exactly the same experience on-campus students are getting.


Ironically, my daughter and her 5s on both calc exams and her As in Calc BC, Calc 2 and 3 still does not have enough math to graduate from high school in Georgia. Ha. Anyway, her plan is to take differential equations and combinatorics (we do not know what that is, but it is one of the remaining math classes open to dual-enrolled students) on campus at Tech over the remaining two years of high school. One other student from her school who was in a similar situation took differential equations at another college.


Good luck!


ETA: wow, that was a lot of words to say that an on-campus dual enrollment class might be an option if lectures are available online afterwards. Then she could hit the class occasionally but keep up online.

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Our oldest daughter completed Calculus AB as a sophomore and then did Calculus BC as a junior.  She was then able to place into and take additional calculus at our local four year university via dual enrollment.  Along side she also took AP statistics, and then a data analysis course through dual enrollment.  She is working on finishing up her freshman year as a molecular biology major. 

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What was the other one?


The other high school class my daughter considered one of her two most valuable was a Folklore and Mythology class that she took at the local community college.  It introduced her to a variety of styles of literary criticism and literary terms that she encountered again and again at her four year college.




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I agree that Calc BC and Stats could be a good option.  Or how about EPGY or CTY courses?  She should qualify for either based on her scores, and both of those offer higher level maths.  We are in a similar situation--dd just completed DO Calculus and took the AP exam this week, and she's in 9th.  Dd is going to continue her math studies at the local uni. beginning in the fall, but if that hadn't turned out to be a good option, we were planning to enroll in either EPGY or CTY.

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I'm just making it back here after a full morning and am thrilled to see so many replies! Thank you all, there's definitely some food for thought here.


And I actually enjoyed the description of the options available at Tech, being a former Atlantan myself :-)

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Update:  she decided to do a "Calculus 2" intensive 5 week summer course at the local university.  The prof was very helpful in determining whether placement would be appropriate.  It's expensive and will require being available at that specific time for the five weeks, but hopefully it will work out.

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