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Portfolio Review questions

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In our state you can either do testing or a portfolio review by a certified teacher.


I used a portfolio review last year for my then 1st grader and we talked about my Kinder informally. This year I am going to see the same person for a 1st and 2nd grader.  My concern is that some friends have come from their reviews saying they only got vague sort of input. However, I don't know what they brought with them.  I felt a little like that last year, however, I also had everything documented, so perhaps there wasn't much to say. I did ask a fair amount of questions.


I am looking for some input from the hive here--what sort of things do you expect from the teacher who is doing your portfolio review? Do you expect them to identify gaps, or not? If so, to what degree? How much time does your reviewer spend with you? (Mine spent 1/2 hour per child.)  Does your reviewer use a checklist? Does she/he send anything home with you but the letter?


Also, do you have any tips for getting the full value out of your portfolio review?


Do any of you do portfolio review AND testing?  If so, what are you reasons (I am considering doing testing at home but not submitting scores).


Looking forward to your responses.



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I considered port review but went the testing route instead.


I guess I never really expected the reviewer to id gaps--more like, I was explaining and showing what we did, and they'd say if they thought it was enough. It was more for ME to show and tell, not for the evaluator to tell me something. I KNEW I was doing fine and thought the intention was to prove it, not to gather useful information.


Guess I was just on the defensive! lol ....Hmmm.

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No, that makes sense. That was what I thought also.  I have asked my friends how much stuff they brought. Perhaps she was vague because she didn't have a lot to go on. Last year I wasn't really told how much to bring and then even though I thought I had brought all but the kitchen sink there were still some things I forgot.  =)

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I am looking for some input from the hive here--what sort of things do you expect from the teacher who is doing your portfolio review? Do you expect them to identify gaps, or not? If so, to what degree? How much time does your reviewer spend with you? (Mine spent 1/2 hour per child.)  Does your reviewer use a checklist? Does she/he send anything home with you but the letter?


Since you can pick your reviewer and pay them for this service, it's a little different, but in the state where most of my friends live, they have to get portfolio reviews by the state and I have to say I have always found this attitude baffling.  (My not a state also sort of has a review process but no one is ever actually reviewed.)  There, the review is free through the state is free but you can choose to join an umbrella instead.  I now know several families who shell out a lot of money for the umbrella review instead.  None of them have ever had real issues with the state review except the one you name.  They felt it wasn't useful.


I guess, to me, I wouldn't really care what the reviewer said.  It's a legal thing for getting your homeschool approved.  Nothing more.  You know your kids better than any reviewer could know them, no matter how good a portfolio you compile.  You are the buck stops here on their education, not the reviewer.  And if someone wants advice about muddling through, I feel like finding a mentor in the homeschooling community, who knows homeschooling and your style and kids, is going to be a better way to get advice than a reviewer, most of whom are professional educators, not homeschoolers.


Obviously that's just one take - I have clearly observed that some people really want to be reviewed, I just thought it was worth questioning that.  Why take the opinion of someone who doesn't know your kids so seriously?  And why want to be judged so much?  Maybe just questions to ask yourself.

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I agree with what you are saying. I feel pretty confident I have done plenty and my kids are fine.  I am not sure my friends feel the same, but I *love* the mentor idea. It makes so much more sense than trying to get that kind of feedback from a 30 minute appointment with a basic stranger.  =)

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Our reviews are done by a certified teacher who homeschooled her own children. She comes to our house, rather than an office location, so I just pull out the bins of completed work and she just looks through everything. She spends about an hour or so with us. If I am concerned about gaps, I ask what she thinks. She is always very encouraging and tells me we are doing great. I don't have to keep records, but I am pretty diligent in keeping everything they have worked on up through that review period.


I haven't done any testing, but I am considering it for our own information.

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In my state, we have to do yearly portfolios. And testing in some years. They generally suggest that the port have 3-5 samples of work for each subject, taken from throughout the year so as to show progress.

It sounds like you're in PA :).


This is what I do for my portfolios. We are also required to have a book log and I list the books we have used for each subject there. When we get our portfolios reviewed, I'm just trying to stay legal. I'm not looking for great input and our reviewer goes into it with the same attitude. Is everything present that is required by law? Check. Asked the student a few questions, to count as an "interview" as required by law? Check. Then we're done!

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We have that law here in FL, too. I have the reviewer come to our house. That way I do not have to put together a portfolio at all. :) The kids just pull down there work from the bookshelves and go over it at the dining room table. I don't expect to get anything from our reviews though. I am just trying to comply with the law in the easiest way possible. From seventh grade on we do ACT/SAT testing instead of the reviews. We never do both.

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