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Exercise Thread ~ 5/4 - 5/10


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Like your new picture, Negin! 


Today was a 6 mile run.  I've also done 60 push-ups and 30 pull-ups.  


I have a long day in the city today.  Hopefully, I will be able to do an hour of either restorative or Yin yoga tonight.  I'm going to need it.  But it's going to compete with The Good Wife.  I think I'm getting hooked on that show. :D

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About to do Leah Sarago: Ballet Body Core

Her workouts are no joke.


Yesterday was just a day of some walking.


My knee felt good so did a barre wo today, but didn't do my squats very low. I also did some rehab exercises on the paper the doctor gave me.

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Was seduced by sunshine and did what I think is called a tempo run for one mile barefoot with a few strides afterwards and then a 3 mile walk in shoes with dh.  Still trying to lengthen my barefoot runs.


Then I did open mat which was wonderful.  I spent a long time on grappling work.  Fairly bruised today but also sore in my hamstrings and gluts in a really good sort of way.

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Classical Stretch: Floor Work


Like your new picture, Negin! 



Thank you, Kim. :)


Her workouts are no joke.


Glad that your knee is doing better. 

I can't say that I loved the workout (Leah Sarago). She moved a bit too fast for me. I guess I need to just get used to her fast-paced instruction style. Some workouts definitely have a learning curve. 

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5.11 miles on the Elliptical at conversational pace while reading:)  10 minutes of core work and then Katas- I'm trying to perfect making a nice loud thumping snap sound with my chambering fist- without bruising myself or doing it all girly.  I think that's harder with a woman's anatomy.  I think I'm finally making progress.


Tonight Martial arts.



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I'm very stressed right now so this not working out is really hard. :thumbdown:


I was out of commission last fall. - It was really hard emotionally - I feel for you.  Just remember that you are healing and working on your body by resting.  

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For those not following some kind of progression, how do you measure progress? 


I set physical goals for myself- concrete things that I wanted to be able to do, for example number of push-ups, time length planking, miles run, etc.  Also I belt test in Karate.  


One of my goals was to gain 5 pounds this winter.  I realized this morning that I doubled that goal.  Not sure I'm so happy about that, sigh.

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About to do Ballet Beautiful. 


We're telepathically linked! I put in Ballet Beautiful this morning as well. However, my workout was interrupted 50x before I gave up. In over an hour I got in a total of 15 minutes. So I'll try again later.


See what happens when you get a new dog?

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Kettle ell this morning. I need to be gone most of the day and dd was ill all night. This way I could work out,get laundry done and administer Sprite as needed.

For those not following some kind of progression, how do you measure progress?

I have a real problem with competitiveness. Open ended works better for me or I become obsessed with " winning" and then the joy is gone. If I'm looking toned, feeling great and my clothes fit I figure I'm progressing. I do time my runs with runkeeper . That's about it.

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Nothing today - slept horribly, but also cannot do anything since I had my hair done and can't tie it back. Hope to get something done in the afternoon.


We're telepathically linked! I put in Ballet Beautiful this morning as well. 



I didn't realize you have a new dog. Is he a puppy? We have three. 


Every part of me hurts.   I think I'm getting sick.   

:grouphug:  Take care of yourself. Hope you feel much better very soon. 

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Squished in a short run this morning.  Did anyone see 60 Minutes Sunday?  They were interviewing a Dr. who is studying the over 90 set.  It seems 45 minutes was the magic exercise time.  It even beat 3 hours.  I usually come in about 60 minutes or so if I'm not rushed.  Excuse to cut back? :laugh: For the record a drink a day was good for you too.  My chances are looking up.


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Nothing this morning. I might do something light this afternoon. I will keep it light. I will keep it light. I will keep it light. My knee is almost back to normal. Almost. So close that I'm tempted to treat like normal. So I'm still forcing myself to ease up.



We unexpectedly got our new dog this past Sunday. It wasn't planned. Our dog of 11 years died in December, and after a couple of failed tries of finding a new dog we decided to stop looking. Then on Sunday our neighbor came over with her friend who had a dog that they didn't want to keep. We met the dog and decided to take him. He's turning out to be a good dog. I just need to convince the dog and our kitties that they are friends. :lol:



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Nothing this morning. I might do something light this afternoon. I will keep it light. I will keep it light. I will keep it light. My knee is almost back to normal. Almost. So close that I'm tempted to treat like normal. So I'm still forcing myself to ease up.



We unexpectedly got our new dog this past Sunday. It wasn't planned. Our dog of 11 years died in December, and after a couple of failed tries of finding a new dog we decided to stop looking. Then on Sunday our neighbor came over with her friend who had a dog that they didn't want to keep. We met the dog and decided to take him. He's turning out to be a good dog. I just need to convince the dog and our kitties that they are friends. :lol:



Light light light is soooo much better than the cussing you would do tomorrow if you re-strain it today.


All of our favorite dogs have been gifted/rescue dogs.  The stupidest dog we ever owned was a full bred Dalmatian we bought from an expensive breeder.  Seriously- he was regularly outsmarted by dust bunnies.


Moving my 19 yo dd out of her dorm room and helping her clean it is my morning workout.

Tonight- martial arts.

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Jumping back in.  I haven't been on here much. 


I'm about to do Ripped in 30.  I was doing it, then we traveled a lot, so I'm starting back over.  I have 20 pounds or so more to lose before I'm at normal for me and I need to work on my quads more for my knees.  I got a new yoga DVD (Aim True) which is really fun and the kids enjoyed doing it with me, so that's a bonus.  And YAY for it finally being nice enough to bike!  My knees surely missed it.  


I'm getting a little annoyed by people telling me I don't need to lose weight and making it a competition.  I'm not just doing it for weight, but I have knee and hip arthritis and it helps me not be in pain.  Losing 20 lbs would not even make me close to underweight, so it's not an unrealistic goal, too.  /rant


Does anyone else plan out their exercise for the week?  I just made some private Pinterest boards for each day of the week with snack ideas and exercise helps (psoas releases, etc.).  

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I have been up most of the night with three stomach flu sufferers. I'll try to get something in later but my usual early morning run isn't happening.


So sorry!!!  Hope you stay well.


2.5 interval run on the treadmill and light core work this morning.  Tried the kettle bell.  Decided that I need to learn to do that in the privacy of my own home.  


Running with my 12 yo ds later today.  It's a summer project- and I need to keep it fun.  


Martial Arts tonight. 

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Horrible migraine last night. I'm much better, but not fully well yet.



I have been up most of the night with three stomach flu sufferers.


Hope you gals feel better and get some rest.  




I will keep it light. I will keep it light. I will keep it light.


Mom-Ninja, How are you doing?  My mantra for a long time was:  More is not always better, more is not always better, more is not always better....


I am feeling much better but not 100%   I got my hard stretch in twice and felt great after.  I might try to do an extended limbering session today.   Otherwise skillwork and MA.



Does anyone else plan out their exercise for the week?


Yes.  I have a series of short term progressions within a framework of long term goals.

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Running with my 12 yo ds later today.  It's a summer project- and I need to keep it fun.  


Tell me more about this project. I really want to get my kids to join me in fitness activities.




This morning I did low impact cardio followed by low impact abs/butt and yoga stretching. I'm still modifying squats and lunges by not going down very far. My knee does not hurt but it has this weird sensation that's hard to explain. Popping? Grinding? Just feels weird but again no pain. I'm still massaging daily with menthol rub to help break scar tissue. I can tell the difference in the morning if I massaged the night before or not.


I'm supposed to do a mud run on Saturday with my 10 yr old. It's a kids' course set up for 4-13 yr olds so it can't be that bad. That's another reason I'm being so careful with my healing time. I will wrap the knee on Saturday and go as easily as possible. If I have to I'll skip it and just watch. My ds is so excited. 


As for planning I cheat and use the FB schedules because it's already planned for me. :D 

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Ri30 yesterday went well except my ulcer acted back up giving me stomach pain that slowed me down.  I think I'm going to up my 3# weights to 5# today.  Don't make fun-I have a soccer physique and I've never had strong arms.  :lol:   I did find out last night that despite eating healthy and exercising avidly, I haven't lost a single #*(&@ pound.  This does not please me.  I have a Wonderwoman swimsuit to fit into. 


Bike ride and Ripped in 30 for me today.  If I can kick the kids and dh out long enough, I'm going to do some bellydance or my Core Fusion movie.  :)

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Wow, I've never seen these before!  Which schedules have been your favorites?


I have #1 and #2 and the low impact schedules. I've done #1 twice. I was half way through #2 when I hurt my knee. Now I'm doing the low impact schedule. #1 is made up of most of their first videos so they don't have the calorie counter or timer on the screen. Still really good videos. I love that the #1 schedule booklet has a motivational quote each day plus an optional extra credit burn.


I have my eye on the schedule for busy people for when I'm all better.


Speaking of all better....not there yet. I tried jumping jacks today. Nope. Not happening. My knee doth protest. :lol: So I did the low impact jacks. I'll get there. I'll get there. This morning was upper body strength/toning

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As for planning I cheat and use the FB schedules because it's already planned for me.


Totally not cheating!     I think it's wise to get guidance and feedback on your WO regimen.     Otherwise, it's easy to spin your wheels merrily along and at the end of a year you're left wondering why you didn't get the results you were expecting.

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4 mile run to Starbucks, much hillier than I expected.  Met my 19 dd there and discovered their lemon water is incredibly good.  and free..  Then my daughter dropped me off on her way somewhere and I ran/walked  2.37 miles home.


Tell me more about this project. I really want to get my kids to join me in fitness activities.






My oldest dd is doing the Train like a Mother 5K- finish it.  She mostly runs at night which my 12 ds thinks is awesome.  So I'm letting him do that plus occasional trail running with me.   Today when I left for my Starbucks run he begged to go too.  Aha, now I have a carrot to hold out for him.  I told him I'd let him there with me and even treat him to a drink when he gets his mileage ability up.

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Running to Starbucks sounds like the best motivation ever. I'd run every day if we had one here! Of course I'd need to if I had Starbucks every day. ;)


Finished Week 1 of Ripped in 30 with 5 pound weights. I'm rather proud of my weakling self.  I weighed myself this morning and was down a few pounds and I'm back up higher than what I was yesterday now.  :cursing:  I swear I'm never going to lose this weight.  I'm rather pissed about it.  


Anyway, tomorrow is my off day before starting week 2 and I have a graduation to go to, so I'll try to slip in that Ballet Beautiful or yoga before I go, depending on if I get time. 

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Hope you feel better very soon. 


Running to Starbucks sounds like the best motivation ever. I'd run every day if we had one here! 


Me too. And I don't even like Starbucks at all. My personal favorite is Tim Horton's (more in the Midwest and Canada). But at this point, considering where we live, I'll take anything thank you very much.  :lol: 


I'm about to do this barre workout

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