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What poems are your 2nd/3rd graders memorizing?


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Poems for subject matter - like nouns, holidays, days of the week, etc.  I found a book on Scholastic with these types of poems for a dollar, the Big Book of Classroom Poems.


Beyond this, Mother Goose.


I was avoiding the Dollar Deals this go around because I bought at the last one and needed to resist temptation, but I HAD to check out this book and now I have three items in my cart and I'm still browsing.  Oi!

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DD has memorized a few stanzas of "The Charge of the Light Brigade" and recently the first stanza of Wordsworth's Daffodils.


Not a poem, but she memorized the FLL list of prepositions in Kindy, with the understanding that you have to really analyze to be sure something is a prep, and the list is merely a tool.

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I just get a children's poetry book from the library each summer and find 10 poems I like, copy them off and put them in my binder. All my kids in school memorize them. Then, every month during memory/read aloud time we work at it for a few minutes. I haven't been thrilled by this years poems, I don't know what I was thinking. The only one I really thought had good rhythm was The Destruction of Sennacherib by Lord Byron. This month's is nice, though. We're doing Silver by Walter de la Mare. A favorite from last year was The Wind and the Moon by George MacDonald.

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I just get a children's poetry book from the library each summer and find 10 poems I like, copy them off and put them in my binder. All my kids in school memorize them. Then, every month during memory/read aloud time we work at it for a few minutes. I haven't been thrilled by this years poems, I don't know what I was thinking. The only one I really thought had good rhythm was The Destruction of Sennacherib by Lord Byron. This month's is nice, though. We're doing Silver by Walter de la Mare. A favorite from last year was The Wind and the Moon by George MacDonald.

I love this idea!!  I keep looking at different books and have quite a few but only want one or two from each source.   This is simple and smart!   I will make our own poetry book from my sources and the library.  

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