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Exercise Thread ~ 4/20 - 4/26


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yesterday I got some unexpected time so I exercised. I did bum-bum, a 30 min cardio thing that has some high impact moves. I like it because I feel like I get a lot out of 30 mins. Then I did some barre work. I am trying to like this Callanetics evolution but it feels too slow and easy for my tastes.


I am looking for a good 10-30 min pilates or yoga or ? core workout. I want something slow but challenging, if that makes sense. Or if not slow at least not..frentic. I love barre work but often the bar stuff feels complicated. I have some DVDs that you are on your back and one leg is crossed over the other and you have a ball and hold the ball and your arm is over your head and you turn your head and grip your thighs with the arm not holding a ball....  well... it's just too much.

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I want to know how Mom-Ninja's Dr.'s visit went.



Thanks for thinking about me. I'm very happy to report that I've not done any major damage to my leg/knee. All ligaments are fine. I strained the tendon that runs from the quad over the kneecap. She said I just pulled/strained it because if I had torn it I would have had bruising. My kneecap tracks correctly. The grinding I hear is not a problem as long as there is no pain. Still freaky to hear it though. She said as long as I allow adequate healing I should not have any lasting problems.


She gave me a list of stretching and strengthening exercises to do along with a list of things I need to be able to do before starting my normal workouts again. She said it's a good idea to wear an ace bandage while working out for awhile to give the new tissue time to strengthen.


I also learned that taking an anti-inflammatory is helpful. I'm just not a medicine person. I was using ice for pain and inflammation. She said that's fine, but not to use ice too much because while it decreases inflammation it also slows blood circulation to the area which slows healing. You want to decrease inflammation while increasing circulation so a combo of ice followed by heat is good or taking an anti-inflammatory med and heat.


Here's  my check list that I need to be able to do in order to return to my regular high intensity routine:


1. Fully straighten and bend knee without pain.

2. Leg/knee must have regained normal strength compared to my uninjured leg.

3. Able to jog in a straight path without limping

4. Able to sprint straight without limping

5. Able to do a 45 degree cut

6. Able to do a 90 degree cut

7. Able to do a 20 yard figure 8 run

8. Able to do a 10 yard figure 8 run

9. Able to jump on both legs without pain

10. Lastly, able to jump on the injured leg without pain


Can someone explain a 90 degree cut? Run and make a 90 degree turn, right?


Anyway, I think it'll be a bit before I can work through that list. So I definitely will continue the low impact schedule. I think I'll start it over. Also, I'm going to decrease from my normal 6 days a week to 3-4 days a week to allow more recovery/healing until I'm back to 100%.


I'm just happy to hear that my injury is not more serious and it should heal completely. To celebrate the good news I bought a pair of new workout pants I found on sale for a whopping $8.95.

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So glad you got a good report!  I hope it starts to heal quickly for you, and at the least, that you are able to sleep without pain.  


Yeah, apparently the secret to that is taking motrin. I guess sometimes I need to get over my stubborn self and actually take meds when needed.

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It's good to hear it wasn't anything too serious.   It makes sense that when your muscles are resting while you are in bed sleeping, you would be more likely to receive clearly every pain signal your body is sending out (in other words your daily body movement is like when you shake your hand after smashing your thumb to help lessen the pain signal).


Where did you get new WO pants.  I want new WO pants...


I have some DVDs that you are on your back and one leg is crossed over the other and you have a ball and hold the ball and your arm is over your head and you turn your head and grip your thighs with the arm not holding a ball.



Which dvd is this?




I did my WO, but no energy to do skill work or stretching or anything else prehab related.    I need sleep!



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First 10k race of the season tomorrow. Been taking it very easy since Thursday, trying to get past my consistent soreness. I think my body is just sore and is always going to be.... It was sore while I was fat and sedentary and it is sore now 😕. I have run enough to train for this race, but I am going to show up and see what happens. My funky hamstring kept me from mileage goals, but I cross trained sufficiently/ am strong enough and have the endurance to pull this off even if I don't pr!


I think I am getting a bit of depression. For me it is hormonal/ chemical and exercise is my med of choice... So, I am not sure this resting thing is working for me. Little things that would not phase me are throwing me for a loop! Not sure if I need more sleep or more action!


Keep me in your thoughts! Hoping to run the 6.2 in 58. Minutes. Not sure I can, but I'm going to try!

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I think I am getting a bit of depression. For me it is hormonal/ chemical and exercise is my med of choice... So, I am not sure this resting thing is working for me. Little things that would not phase me are throwing me for a loop! Not sure if I need more sleep or more action!




This is me. I rely on exercise to keep me happy and sane. So when I have to rest for a long time like now, I don't handle it well. I've been very cranky. My dh bears the most of it. I snap at him for everything. So, yeah, I understand.


Resting today again. Tomorrow I will try to do a low impact and see how it goes.

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I think I am getting a bit of depression. For me it is hormonal/ chemical and exercise is my med of choice... So, I am not sure this resting thing is working for me. Little things that would not phase me are throwing me for a loop! Not sure if I need more sleep or more action!


Keep me in your thoughts! Hoping to run the 6.2 in 58. Minutes. Not sure I can, but I'm going to try!


I do the same thing.  Exercise keeps me level. Cheaper than medication I figure.  Best of luck on the race.

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Thank you all for the suggestions. I now have them on my Amazon list. So thanks...wait... how much am I spending? :lol:  No really, thank you.


Today and tomorrow are no time days.  Well, they are lots of sitting around but not really any time to myself to exercise days.  DS1 and DH gone for the day and most of tomorrow with an activity. I was home today with ds2 and his friend. So, lots of getting juice and listening to what the dragons are doing and much ooooing and aaaahing over Lego creations :001_rolleyes:  But no real time to exercise.


But, I have a new toy......


I have been eying audio downloads from a site called "iTrain". They are workouts you listen to on your phone or laptop. I don't think there is video, but you do maybe get a PDF with the downloads. Anyway, I have been lusting after some of their "iSculpt ballet" workouts, thinking this spring might be a good time to try a couple.  Well, they have an iphone app...a FREE iphone app...a FREE iphone app with workouts!  It is called "itrain slimdown" and it plays the workouts on your iphone. You listen while you workout. Now, there is a catch part, if you want to do the cardio exactly as described it requires a treadmill. I have a nordic track and I am always looking for ways to use it and not be bored. I mostly use it in the winter or the very hot summer (I have an a/c in that room). I can match the pace of the audio, but not create the inclines. But, I don't care about that so I think I will be using this.


It lays out a 6 week 'slim down' program but I am less interested in that part than just trying out the workouts. It is a nice way for me to try out the format and see if I want to buy some more. They do have 'outdoors' cardio (run, walk or jog) tracks as well, just not for this series.


So, if you have an iphone and you like running on a treadmill or something similar (you could also use it on a track and just use perceived exertion) and you like barre workouts check the app out. Did I mention FREE? 

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