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Packing lists for vacations/trips ---what am I forgetting?


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I am making up a generic packing list for each member of the family and one general one for "family" type stuff to take along on trips.


Everyone will have a checklist that says things like socks, undies, deo, toothbrush, swimsuit, pants, shirts, etc. and then I can put a number in front of it to indicate how many of each they should pack for the trip at hand.


I have included meds, money, phone chargers, my kindle, maps, etc.  What else might I be forgetting on my lists?


Sometimes going away seems like more work than it is worth as I have to plan for dh who is insulin dependent diabetic, 3 special needs kids (2 of which have 16 pills twice a day) , 3 horses, 2 cats, 1 dog, a bearded dragon, and a gecko along with myself.  Gone are the days when you could throw a change of clothes and a toothbrush in a bag and be off for the weekend.


What do you forget on vacation that I need to add to my list.


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That depends entirely on the kind of vacation you are taking. Ours usually involves special equipment for the activities we are planning to do.

general things:

sandals, boots, rain coats, hats

sun glasses,  sun screen, bug repellent


spare glasses

mp3 players with charger/ battery powered charger if away from electricity

water bottles

small backpack for short outings

writing utensils

check book (while most places don't take out of state checks, you can usually write a check for National Parks/state parks/camping fees etc)


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I will keep working on my lists tomorrow.


Today was heavenly here---45 and SUN and no wind.  Once I got errands done we went horseback riding and worked out in the barn until dark.  Tomorrow is supposed to be freezing rain so it will be a good day for inside work.

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I have one small duffle bag with everyone's rain gear and we always hope not to use it.

Last time we camped, one kid's bag was left at home. She loves to pack and had been carrying her thing around all day and it was NOT in the pile o' stuff going out to the car. Whoops!

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We always pack a laundry bag for each person to put their dirty clothes in. A large garbage bag works just fine.

swim goggles
pool cover up
extra pair of eyeglasses, contact solution, etc as indicated
mini first aid kit (bandaids, tweezers, ibuprofen, etc)
travel pillow/blanket
travel alarm clock

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