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My adult neighbor while I was growing up was a member of this club and loved it.  I was wondering if anyone had been in it, had a spouse in it, or had a child who had been part of their youth program for public speaking and debate?  Looking at this for my son later on but I never hear anyone talk about it so I was a bit concerned...

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We had a neighbor lady do a class for a group of homeschooling kids.  She was great.  Apparently the clubs are required to do a certain amount of volunteer hours so this was a great chance for her to do them (and her grandkids were in the class).  They had a formal closing event and all of the Toastmaster's members showed up for it.  I was impressed although it wasn't enough for a full credit or anything - I'm thinking about 8 weeks?  You could always contact the local Toastmaster's Club and see if anyone would be interested in teaching a class.

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Our co-op offers Gavel Club, which is a program of Toastmasters. We haven't participated yet, but hope to next year. It's a very popular program. From what I understand, there is a curriculum that they work through over the course of 2 years (once a week meeting for the school year--about 28 weeks each year), with the kids rotating through all the roles in the club. I think the curriculum is from Toastmaster's, but not positive.




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My husband does it, and really enjoys it. He has been taking my daughter (11 years old) as a guest and they really enjoy having her there. Sometimes she gets to be "ah" counter. She bakes something from scratch every week to bring and share (no one else does this, so they really love it!)


He has become a much better public speaker because of this, and would like to continue indefinitely, if he can.

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I really didn't enjoy my experience, but since everyone else is giving positive comments, I guess it must have been that particular teacher/presenter!


My husband said it really depends on the group (aka not all are created equal). He went to several before he found the one he landed at. There was one that he really didn't like at all. So I say keep trying until you find one where you feel like you fit!

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