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Now it's starting to really feel like spring!


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The garden had its first rototilling today.  We bought broccoli plants, peas, kale, and lettuce to plant on Thursday (after a few more winter days).  The grass is turning green, plus we have 9 bunches of crocuses blooming... with daffodils and hyacinths not too far behind... and, it was 64 sunny degrees out.


There's a reason spring is my favorite season!  It's always much nicer after a hard winter too.


My mom (upstate NY - Canadian border) had more snow.  On the phone today I reminded her why we moved further south... and invited her (again) to join us.  I actually like winter (and dislike hot summers).  I just like a shorter winter than what I grew up with.  To those still in winter's blast... I'll try to send some spring air north!

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I suppose it does help to not have allergies... :grouphug:  to those with them.


Now we're in for four days of "Sprinter" (neat word!) - one of those with snow!!! - before we can get outside and start planting what we bought.  I'm definitely ready for it.


Fresh apples would taste good... but I'm definitely not ready for fall just yet.

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Fall is my favorite season, what with the leaves changing color.  But I also like spring a lot.  I even like winter.  I HATE summer.  always have, when I was a kid leaving in North Texas with its stinking hot summers and even here in NJ, I hate summer.  We also tend to have very short springs here so I try to enjoy the spring, short as it can be, knowing that summer would be coming soon.

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