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Help me find a traditional Math program for 5th grade?


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My DD, 10,  has been using TT for 2 years. I thought she was doing well until we took the ITBS. She scored very very poorly on the math section (less than 10th percentile). Of course, she never got less than 80% on TT and usually above 90% on her daily work and quizzes. So I switched her over to MM because that is what I am using with my DS. . I started 5th grade over with her cause she needed to relearn a lot. We are muddling thru, but I think she needs plain old traditional math like what I was taught in the 70's.  What would be a good curriculum? R&S maybe? MCP? I think it needs to be a mastery program. She needs to get a skill cemented in her mind before moving on to a new topic or she forgets it. Help?

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I don't think the math of the 70's is much different from that of programs like Math Mammoth (unless you're referring to the set theory stuff of new math of the late 60's? But I don't think you want that!) Math mammoth is solidly on the more traditional pro-algorithm side of the latest 'math wars'...it does focus on the concepts behind the algorithms, but is not the constructivist nonsense of programs like TERC. Anyway, if you like solid math, stick with math mammoth or Singapore. If you like solid math with a more old fashioned style, try something like Saxon or Rod and Staff or CLE. Or find some vintage math book like Rays Arithmetic, though I think it would be awfully hard to maintain interest in that...

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I went to school in the 1970's - it was all set theory and new math. What was the point of that? Our text was from the 60's - it was in pounds and pence and NZ changed to decimal currency before I was born.


that doesn't help you much though it was just nice to hear someone else who remembered it.

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My understanding is that TT can be a savior, but it misses things and can be behind grade level.  So if your DD was doing well with her grade level of TT (let's say 5th grade), she may have been working at a 3rd grade or 4th grade level.  If she likes it perhaps consider accelerating it a bit so that you are ahead one or two levels?


MM is very traditional, but if you don't like it, you may like something like CLE.  Good thing is you can try one light unit for only $3.  


Whatever math program you use, though, use a placement test.  

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Guest ~Angela~

I am a newbie to homeschooling this year, but I have used Rod and Staff with my 5th grader with great results!  We used MM at the beginning of the year but it was too frustrating for her. My daughter doesn't have a negative attitude toward math anymore.  I love it!  

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We have used Singapore all along. My dd is in 4th now. I am very happy with it. She scored in the 88th percentile on her 3rd grade standardized test. I wouldn't say she is mathy. But, dh and I both have MBAs in Finance, so I sure am hoping the genetics kick in eventually. :-)

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