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Friday's Teachers Lounge 3-21-2014


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Welcome to the Lounge! A place for homeschooling teachers can come in, kick your feet up, and enjoy some adult conversation.

You might even be able to sneak in a nap!




Well, it's spring according to the calendar, anyway. Certainly feels like it here with temps in the 60s and 70s. I know where some of you live you wonder if

spring will EVER get here!


Come in, warm up, thaw out!


What's up in your life today? Here: dd is currently taking a supervised (by me) Element Quiz for Biology. She'll do a bit of math later and the this afternoon is  her drama class.

Have to call the owners of the company about our remaining payment. Maybe I can trade them curriculum instead? They homeschool, as well.

I have to finish my paper still. Sent it to my instructor for review before submitting it for a grade.  Looks like I might have to completely redo it. At this rate, I may never finish this class!

I think I may go visit my mom while dd is at drama, since Mom and stepdad are heading back for the Midwest in a week. DH and ds are going camping this weekend.


What are you up to this weekend? While the boys are camping, dd and I MAY go to the Renaissance Festival. That's if there's any discretionary funds left after I pay bills!


Anyone need/want prayer for anything?  Me: just that I can finish this paper so I can move on to the other assignments already. Health issues have already delayed it. I just want to be DONE!


Talk to me!  :bigear:

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Hah, we're all excited that it's 40 today so all of the kids who aren't napping are playing outside. It definitely feels like spring with the sun shining, snow melting, and the kids outside playing while the birds chirp.


Naughty mom didn't make it to school today and we have a PT eval this afternoon so it's not happening. They'll just do school tomorrow instead of having the day off like they typically do.

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Spring has sprung here - we are to get up to 80 today. It's still nice & cool in the mornings though, but I feel that this summer will be HOT.


What's up in your life today? School for dd, cleaning for me. Not too much since I am waiting on stuff to sell on ebay to have money to go anywhere.


What are you up to this weekend? More cleaning, more school for dd. And HOPEFULLY get our lawn mowed by my handyman. Traded babysitting for a lawn mowing two weeks ago, but we've been waiting on him over a week to come do it. He has promised to come Saturday, but I will believe it when I see it.


Anyone need/want prayer for anything? Ebay sales. Haven't had ANYTHING sell in the last 2 weeks. I need to get some good sales in so I can pay bills. I've got a $750 listing up right now for a Rare Hidden Mickey bear - I am praying it sells quickly as we need to pay bills & property taxes.

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Hi ya, Scrap!  I just got back from spending the morning at the lab where they were trying to get blood out of a turnip (me).  They finally got some after some coaching from me of the "why don't we put on a warm pack and try here" variety.


I now have less than an hour here at home before I have to leave for physical therapy.


Weekend?  Dd has volunteering.  I have yet another doctor's appointment - yes, even on the weekend.  


You could pray that I could start to be able to sleep lying down again instead of having to sleep in my armchair because of pain.  

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Praying for you, Jean!


Short school day here. Spring break, sort of. Math and piano for dd and just audiobook listening for ds. Then we dropped ds at my mom's for the night and went used book shopping. Got some good things and only spent $35. Spending our afternoon reading and enjoying our new books. So calm here with no boy in the house!


Quiet weekend here. NCAA basketball, grocery shopping, and some gardening if it doesn't rain. I need to do some work for my job at church and have loads to read.

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Jean, sorry it hurt! Hoping it's helpful!


Scout, yay for quiet! There are presently no boys/men in my house either and it's quite lovely, and quiet! B-)

Except for the dog that occasionally barks at nothing. :-P


Okay, all, the Lounge is now CLOSED. Until next week!

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