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Anyone else have a child with shark teeth??

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My 6yo ds turned up with a new tooth--behind his baby tooth (bottom front center). He has NO loose teeth and has lost NO teeth (and doesn't even have all his six-year molars in yet).


What do you do with a shark-toothed child? Do we have to have the baby tooth pulled? Will more of his teeth grow in like this? What's your experience?

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One of my kids has had EVERY adult tooth come in behind a baby tooth!!! Most of the baby teeth have gotten wedged in by the adult teeth and needed to be pulled (except the one that a sibling knocked out by bashing into ds's mouth with her head!). We have had to use an oral surgeon and knock the kid out totally to get the teeth out - but that is due to his being autistic and unable to not panic about it.


Just keep an eye on it - if the baby tooth does not get loose soon, even with trying to work on it, you might need to ask the dentist what to do.

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Kaleb actually had 3 extra eye teeth. One came in behind a baby tooth and when they x-rayed two more showed up in his upper gums, one was even upside-down! He has to have dental surgery to have them removed, it was amazing how long they were!!

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Both of my kids had shark teeth on the bottom front two teeth.


Luke's never came out and we had to have them pulled. The roots were completely intact. It was about a 60 second procedure - no biggie.




Except that ER had 4 teeth pulled. Roots were intact on all of them.

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grace has had a double set of eyeteeth fora year and though they are loose, they really havent gotten looser this whole time and will likely need to be pulled. She had a double set of bottom teeth for a while too, in front center, but they came out on their own and the others moved into place fine.

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We've had that happen with my dc too. If the baby tooth gets pulled, the adult tooth can move into position. Once it's erupted, it's less likely that the adult tooth will be able to cause the baby tooth to loosen (nothing there to dissolve the root of the baby tooth). My dentist said there's a window of opportunity when it comes to these situations.



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