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Vent: Chronic illness & frustration


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I need an outlet today.  We've been going through a rough time with unemployment and Dh starting a new job that pays so much less.  I've been helping him write his cover letters and thank you letters after interviews (he's still looking for a better job).  I've also had to spend a lot more time in the kitchen and meal planning in order to stick to our strict budget.  I won't go into all of the things I have to do for the kids for school and extracurricuars.  I also need to start looking for work as a tutor soon.  I am not really upset about it b/c I think it is going to lead into what I'll do once the dc are done homeschooling, but I am frustrated about not being able to devote my energies (what little I have) to it b/c of all the other things I need to deal with.   I just wish I had the stamina to deal with it all.  Yesterday I was nominated to the board of a local organization and I am honored, but here I am facing the morning and feeling like I cannot enjoy things like I should b/c I don't have the energy and I am in pain from a flare (fibro) which was brought on by staying up very late to help my Dh.  I know better than to go down the road of 'if only..' b/c I have to deal with reality, but it stinks that pain and lack of energy is sapping my enjoyment.   Off to dump the list in my brain on paper, prioritize and face what I can realistically do.  Getting in the shower to see if that helps.  Done venting.  

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I'm always impressed with people who have fibro or similar things and do so much more than I do!  I am easily overwhelmed and have accepted there are severe limits to what I can accomplish.  Its hard and frustrating!  Good reasons to vent, for sure.  Hope everything falls in to place for you all

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Thanks everyone.  I am starting to feel better.  I just took the day very slowly and a hot shower and stretching helped.  I got some things accomplished and the rest has to wait.  Pain in my back and legs has subsided and my shoulders are a little better.  Still have lingering issues in my arms, but even that has died down some.  Praying for a good night of sleep.  Thanks for listening to my vent.  It helped.   :001_smile: 

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