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Cruise Beverage Package


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We'll be going on an Alaska cruise. We don't drink alcohol and are not sure if it's worth getting the Classic Non-Alcoholic Package - $112 US - for each person. Spending over $500 on just bottled water and the occasional soft drink is ridiculously high.
Getting drinking water is apparently a real pain - you have to go all the way up to just one cafeteria and line up for cups of water. I guess they do anything they can to make more money.
There will be five of us - two of us have the same initials. On another forum, someone said that they saved by sharing one package, since they had the same initials. Anyone have any experience/thoughts/wisdom to share on this?
Thank you. :)

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Does everyone need the beverage card?  

When we went on our cruise only my husband got the card because I wanted the kids to only have water (which was in the kid area too) and I only drink water and that was not going to change on a cruise.

Also we were able to fill up my refillable water bottle as long as we did it using the cups not sticking it under the faucet...something about hygiene.  So there are more options than just everyone getting soda.


ETA: If you have older tween/teen age kids then the beverage card is AWESOME for them. My kiddos are little and so I don't like them to have that much soda.

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Is it possible to carry your own water?  Or maybe just a couple of larger refillable types of bottles (you will need to pour the water into the tiny cups first and then into the refillable water bottle).  I have never found that I needed to buy a drink package between carrying my own and the refillable bottles.  We have always been in driving distance to the ports though, so that makes a big difference.

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That does seem really high!  Can you not just pay "per drink" for bottled water?  


I would not try to economize by cheating the system with the same initials.  I know it's tempting, but I always tell my kids, "Do you want to sell your honor for X dollars" ($112 in this case).   You may not like the policy, but you make choices about which package to buy if any, or you choose a different cruise line, or you negotiate with them for a better deal.   Have you called the cruise line to talk about this?   But trying to share initials isn't honest. 

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I'd save the money and buy per bottle.  Bring your own water bottles and fill them in your room and carry them around if you think you'll be thirsty.  There will be free water (and some drinks) at meals.  If you happen to be out and want a soda or just can't make it up to the water, buy one.  It certainly won't happen enough to justify $500!!!

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I'm planning on doing the Alaska cruise in a couple of years, so have been spending a lot of time on the Alaska forum at Cruise Critics. Many people bring their own water and pop. You can just reinforce a flat of water or pop with packing tape and put your tags right on that, or you can pack it all in luggage. I'm definitely planning on bringing my own as I drink stevia sweetened pop and a lot of water. 

You can also buy bottled water at any of the ports and bring that back on board with you. Also, you can request your room steward bring you pitchers of ice/ice water. If you're flying in, buy your water/pop after you land and before you embark.

I'd love to hear your cruise plans/report!! I can hardly wait and I'm only in the beginning planning stages.

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Check with the cruise line you are considering as far as bringing your own water/soda with you. Different lines have different rules on if and how much they allow you to bring. And they do "spot" check.

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Thank you all. :)


A friend of mine takes an entire suitcase full of water on these things. Is that still feasible, or are they doing thorough airport-like searche? This isn't like the movies where their only profit is concessions.

I think that they do airport-like searches. Mind you, I've never been on a cruise before. 



 If you have older tween/teen age kids then the beverage card is AWESOME for them. My kiddos are little and so I don't like them to have that much soda.

Yes, our ds really wants the soda package. Both kids are teenagers. 


That does seem really high!  Can you not just pay "per drink" for bottled water?  


I would not try to economize by cheating the system with the same initials.  I know it's tempting, but I always tell my kids, "Do you want to sell your honor for X dollars" ($112 in this case).   You may not like the policy, but you make choices about which package to buy if any, or you choose a different cruise line, or you negotiate with them for a better deal.   Have you called the cruise line to talk about this?   But trying to share initials isn't honest. 

You're right and my conscience tells me not to do it. 


I'd save the money and buy per bottle.  Bring your own water bottles and fill them in your room and carry them around if you think you'll be thirsty.  There will be free water (and some drinks) at meals.  If you happen to be out and want a soda or just can't make it up to the water, buy one.  It certainly won't happen enough to justify $500!!!

Do all cruises give free soda at meals? If so, I have no problem with not getting the packages. 


I'm planning on doing the Alaska cruise in a couple of years, so have been spending a lot of time on the Alaska forum at Cruise Critics. Many people bring their own water and pop. You can just reinforce a flat of water or pop with packing tape and put your tags right on that, or you can pack it all in luggage. I'm definitely planning on bringing my own as I drink stevia sweetened pop and a lot of water. 

You can also buy bottled water at any of the ports and bring that back on board with you. Also, you can request your room steward bring you pitchers of ice/ice water. If you're flying in, buy your water/pop after you land and before you embark.

I'd love to hear your cruise plans/report!! I can hardly wait and I'm only in the beginning planning stages.

I wonder if Celebrity allows for that. If so, I'll be delighted. :)


Check with the cruise line you are considering as far as bringing your own water/soda with you. Different lines have different rules on if and how much they allow you to bring. And they do "spot" check.

Yes, I think I should check with them. 


Thanks again, everyone. 

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Thank you all. :)


I think that they do airport-like searches. Mind you, I've never been on a cruise before. 



Yes, our ds really wants the soda package. Both kids are teenagers. 


You're right and my conscience tells me not to do it. 


Do all cruises give free soda at meals? If so, I have no problem with not getting the packages. 


I wonder if Celebrity allows for that. If so, I'll be delighted. :)


Yes, I think I should check with them. 


Thanks again, everyone. 


Definitely not.  There are also no free refills for the soda if you do buy it at dinner.  If the cruise is selling a drink package, I seriously doubt there will be free sodas.


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I wonder if Celebrity allows for that. If so, I'll be delighted. :)


Definitely check. Right now, I'm planning on taking Princess, so have been paying more attention to those posts. I know that there are other cruise lines that allow you to take as much water/pop as you want also, but don't remember specifically which ones.

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I haven't been on a cruise for awhile but when I did, the free drinks (at dinner and stations in the buffet area) were water, juice, milk, chocolate milk, hot chocolate, tea and coffee).  My dc did just fine drinking water, juice, chocolate milk, hot chocolate, they did not even ask for sodas.  Lots of people (not us, cause it didn't matter to us) brought in bottles of liquor, soda, and water in their luggage.


we drank a lot of hot chocolate as our cruise was to Canada and it was cold.


forgot to mention there was also free ice cream stations all around so my dc went to those quite often.

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Thank you all again. 


Definitely not.  There are also no free refills for the soda if you do buy it at dinner.  If the cruise is selling a drink package, I seriously doubt there will be free sodas.

Yes, I called them and that's what they told me. 


Definitely check. Right now, I'm planning on taking Princess, so have been paying more attention to those posts. I know that there are other cruise lines that allow you to take as much water/pop as you want also, but don't remember specifically which ones.

Celebrity doesn't allow for that. 


I haven't been on a cruise for awhile but when I did, the free drinks (at dinner and stations in the buffet area) were water, juice, milk, chocolate milk, hot chocolate, tea and coffee).  My dc did just fine drinking water, juice, chocolate milk, hot chocolate, they did not even ask for sodas.  Lots of people (not us, cause it didn't matter to us) brought in bottles of liquor, soda, and water in their luggage.


we drank a lot of hot chocolate as our cruise was to Canada and it was cold.


forgot to mention there was also free ice cream stations all around so my dc went to those quite often.

Yes, they said that also. Hopefully there'll be ice cream stations :). 

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