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WWYD about this dog situation?

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So, my 16yodd got a boxer for her b-day last August. She is about 8 months old now. Of course, dd is rarely home, and, if she is, she is doing school or sleeping. I am now, of course, the one primarily caring for the dog. She's a sweet girl, but more attached to our Aussie than us because she hangs with him so much.


Here's the problem:


The dog has taken to killing my chickens, and killed her 4th one in 2 weeks this morning. Our chickens are in a huge section of pasture so she normally doesn't have access to them, but, if they escape, there is no real chance for them. She was eating the one she killed this morning when I caught her.


We are at the dead end of a gravel road so we don't keep them confined. The pen we have is really to keep them locked up for short periods of time, or just during the day if we're gone, but not really all the time (and, of course, the boxer can't be in weather extremes). The problem is that other neighbors have chickens and if she kills anyone else's, they will likely shoot her.


I don't really want to get rid of my chickens, and that wouldn't solve the problem of the neighbor's chickens anyway. I don't want my daughter to be scarred for life, but I'm not really feeling like she has taken on her fair share of responsibility for the dog, and I don't know if there is any way to improve that.


There is someone with 2 other boxers that would like to take her (one is old and one is about her age). They have no kids and a huge yard and the dogs have the run of the house and yard.


Would you give her up? WWYD?

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You are very lucky to have someone that is willing to take her. They sound like a wonderful home for her. I know it is difficult to make a decision like this, but sometimes it is for the best. I am not a dog training expert so I don't know how difficult it would be to get her to stop attacking the chickens. It does sound like a behavior problem though. Since there are no chickens in the possible placemnt home the problem will stop. I hope this works out well for you whatever you decide.

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To put is succinctly, that is the way life works. If you cannot take care of something especially if it is destructive, you need to find someone who can.


The fact that someone is willing to take the dog as opposed to taking it to the pound, or even worse, the neighbor shooting it is a blessing.


I would talk to her about it in a calm rational way and explained to her what is going on. Hopefully, she can make the right decision on her own. (wouldn't that be a great maturity lesson for her?) It would be great if both of you could come up with a solution together.


Good luck!


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One of my dogs was a chicken killer. I wasn't about to pen up dogs on a ranch, and the chickens got out sometimes. Boone killed about 40 chickens and I'd had enough. I got a bb gun and shot him in the butler everytime I caught him chasing my chickens. Cured him quick.


Or you can tell your dd that the dog is going. If she doesn't take care of it she doesn't get to keep it. One of my dds was allowing dangerous behavior with her horse, and I told her she could either work with me to re-train, or I'd sell him. She announced she didn't want to train, she just wanted to ride. I sold him. She was not happy, but it was her choice. She isn't scarred for life, just learned she has to take responsibility. She's since taken up with another horse, and is following my rules concerning riding.


Breaking a dog from killing things is very hard. Our dogs will kill any cat that they know isn't one of "our" cats. When we've taken in new kittens, it's a couple of months of struggling with the dogs and watching them all the time until the dogs realize the new cat belongs here. Much easier to give the dog to someone who wants it.

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shotgun! No flames here. Our best dog we ever had killed a chicken - ONCE (although she had help from our old neighbor's dog). I whipped her with the dead chicken, and she never did it again. The problem is catching Riley after she has done this. By the time I can get my hands on her, she'd never relate the two things; she'd just think I was whipping her for no reason. I'm just torn.


There is NO WAY we'd let her go to the pound. I'd just keep her in our pen first. I just don't think she deserves that.


DD and I will have a LONG talk tonight. We may get together and let her dogs meet ours and see how they do.

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I will readily admit that if we do keep her, I KNOW it will be my FULL responsibility when she leaves home. I would definitely commit to keeping her - we wouldn't get rid of her later. I just think her life would stink if she had to be penned.


The people that want her seem like they'd be great! They have no kids and their 2 boxers are like their kids. I know she would have a great home.


I am definitely trying to convince her that it is the right thing to do without having to force her to do it.

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Hi, Stacy --


I've yet to change a chicken-killer's mind by any means. We don't have a local animal shelter here, and about once a month a new dog shows up. The ones I had to get rid of were all beautiful dogs and I was heart sick -- but they all went to homes where they were better suited.


And the whole thing was so upsetting for my son. Our chickens were pets and he was upset that they were dead and that the dogs were being hollered at, and shot with BB guns and beaten with the dead chickens. One fooled me into thinking she had stopped for almost two months before my son found her helping herself to another snack. I'm always willing to do whatever needs to be done, as long as it works. But it didn't work and was just horrible.


It wasn't good for us, it wasn't good for the dogs, and it certainly wasn't good for the chickens. :-(


I hope you find a solution that works for all of you!

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