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NFP question


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Is there any type of NFP that does a better job predicting ovulation before it happens?? I'm looking at Marquette, which uses OPK's, and it says right on the site that they don't give enough advance warning to be effective. That is just one notch above useless!

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Yes, I was just about to order some off Amazon (the price is not too bad there). But, those only give 2-5 days of warning that ovulation is about to happen, right? And sperm can live longer then that, right? So, what am I missing? Several methods show when ovulation is complete, I'm looking for more warning that it is coming.

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This study showed that daily home urine testing only detected 60% of the LH surges if done in the morning or 70% if done in the afternoon. I don't know if the tests you are talking about work by measuring LH or not. The article said the LH surge precedes ovulation by 12-48 hours, so any testing measuring for LH seems like it would be aimed at getting pregnant, not avoiding pregnancy.

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This study showed that daily home urine testing only detected 60% of the LH surges if done in the morning or 70% if done in the afternoon. I don't know if the tests you are talking about work by measuring LH or not. The article said the LH surge precedes ovulation by 12-48 hours, so any testing measuring for LH seems like it would be aimed at getting pregnant, not avoiding pregnancy.

Yes, I have used LH tests when TTC and found them helpful. The benefit I could see in terms of NFP would be in helping you chart your cycle over a period of months to get a better idea for when you ovulate. I am not aware if any method that can predict ovulation more than five days out. On the plus side, the most recent studies I have seen indicate that fertilization is extremely unlikely if intercourse occurs more than 24 hours after ovulation, seems the fertile window is approximately five days before to the day of ovulation, which is shorter than what I was taught years ago.
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 I don't follow any great method. We used temping for years to get pregnant with my first. But now, I just want to sleep until the last possible minute. I don't have the patience/time to lay in bed and take my temp. Plus, I still get interrupted morning sleep and don't know how reliable it would be.


What is working now, has taken years of me just getting to know my body. I am very good at predicting ovulation based on my body symptoms. Perhaps, you could narrow down on how your body gears up to ovulate and take precautions when you think it's getting time. Sorry, not real helpful, I know. But it, and a second method (we are not Catholic) have worked for the last 2 1/2 years.

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This study showed that cervical mucus had a better correlation with ovulation than BBT. I never relied on NFP because my cycles returned at 7 and 10 weeks postpartum; the 10 week return was despite nursing every 1.5 hours day and night! For the few years that I tracked my fertility signs, I found that I only had 1-2 dry days right after my period. Then I had mucus on and off until the next period. Using NFP would've limited me to only 1-2 days of teA per month.




This article mentions a monitor that supposedly can predict ovulation 5-7 days beforehand. Later in the article though, it says it's tested effectiveness was about the same as the other methods. That sounds like it isn't good enough for you.



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My last few cycles I've been tracking my temps with Fertility Friend . com  For the longest time I was really icked out by internally checking cervical mucus or cervical position, but after reading a lot of the articles and tutorials FF has I've discovered that it's actually very easy and gives me LOTS of information about where I am in my cycle.  

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How is your DH involved with mucus-only NFP?

CM here, too, but we also use barrier methods, and utilize variations of sex that the CC condemns. So, not really helpful I know.


Sometimes, I fantasize about developing a method of self awareness to the point of being able to consciously control ovulation. Like combining Zen and the Force to direct the egg to either mature or to simply self destruct.


I'd spend the rest of my life pissing off all kinds of religious and political groups by sharing that little gem. Ha!

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Is there any type of NFP that does a better job predicting ovulation before it happens?? I'm looking at Marquette, which uses OPK's, and it says right on the site that they don't give enough advance warning to be effective. That is just one notch above useless!


FAM Fertility Awareness Method was my goto. Granted, yes, I have a large family. You can blame part of that on hormones (aka, you WANT to more when you are fertile, so it matters how much you CHOOSE to stick to it).

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CM here, too, but we also use barrier methods, and utilize variations of sex that the CC condemns. So, not really helpful I know.


Sometimes, I fantasize about developing a method of self awareness to the point of being able to consciously control ovulation. Like combining Zen and the Force to direct the egg to either mature or to simply self destruct.


I'd spend the rest of my life pissing off all kinds of religious and political groups by sharing that little gem. Ha!

If men had to be pregnant, give birth, nurse, etc., that little trick would exist!

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I suggested this in another one of your post a while back and can't remember the name of it (I'll try to find it.)  But it involves being under the care of a doctor in order to determine when you are fertile.  Blood tests are involved.  The dr interprets everything.  Women who have trouble getting pregnant use it to help them pinpoint when they are fertile so they can try to conceive but its a valid form of NFP that is in communion with the teachings of the Catholic Church and can be used to determine fertility in order to avoid pregnancy.

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I suggested this in another one of your post a while back and can't remember the name of it (I'll try to find it.)  But it involves being under the care of a doctor in order to determine when you are fertile.  Blood tests are involved.  The dr interprets everything.  Women who have trouble getting pregnant use it to help them pinpoint when they are fertile so they can try to conceive but its a valid form of NFP that is in communion with the teachings of the Catholic Church and can be used to determine fertility in order to avoid pregnancy.


While I appreciate the thought (I really do!) I can't imagine finding the time and money to do this for the next 10 years.

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While I appreciate the thought (I really do!) I can't imagine finding the time and money to do this for the next 10 years.

Well that makes sense.  You've mentioned that you have a very hard time pin pointing when your fertile and that is why you struggle so much with NFP.  it might be a good idea to talk to a dr and see if monitoring it that way for a few months can weed out a pattern to your fertility and help you find a way to track it on your own.


I only suggest that because I have a close friend who had difficulty conceiving go that route and eventually learned her cycle (which was very erratic) to the point of not needing to be monitored by a dr and could determine her fertility on her own.


Hope you find some solution that works for you.

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Are you ovulating regularly? If ovulation is irregular, FAM to prevent is much trickier. I am fortunate in that I know exactly when I am ovulating just from mittelschmertz (pain with ovulation.) I chart on an iphone app. We only have unprotected sex 36 hours or so after I ovulate until my period starts. Because we use FAM for hormonal and efficacy reasons and not religious choice, we have more flexibility for the time from my period through ovulation.

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