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How good it feels when everything goes right.


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I have struggled to get us into a routine since Christmas, after a few months of too much TV and not enough constructive stuff due to hyperemesis, Our school year also begins at the end of January and this is my first formal year with my eldest, so even though I am quite accustomed to the routine of a homeschool day (I only stopped being a homeschool student myself 5 years ago and until last year MIL was still homeschooling her youngest 4.) it's been interesting to see how it pans out with us.


We have had a lot of dud days and a lot of 'arg, it's 11am already?!' moments. I'd begun to think I would never get a routine which worked for us. But we have worked out through trial and error what I need and what hinders us. We have changed a lot up the past month, even intentionally doing 3 different plans over 3 different days to get a feel for how each worked for us. 


Finally, success. I feel confident calling it a success even though the day isn't over because 90% of the time, if my day goes bad it's because my early morning was derailed or because I shut down amongst mess/clutter due to my PTSD.


Today is Monday, it's 9am, we have already done bible time, everyone had a real breakfast and the breakfast dishes are stacked beside the sink, the living area is clean, music is playing, the children are dressed and happily playing together, schoolwork is all organized from the hour I spent this weekend preparing, so it is truly open and go, and I know where all the stationary is, in the same place, organized. I have even had time to look up something which is interesting DD1 at the moment, and find an amazing project on pinterest which I will be getting the materials for tonight. Dinner is defrosting, lunch is planned. We will even be doing either an art project or baking today, and I am about to sneak in a quick shower before we get going for the day. 


Maybe that doesn't sound like much to some of you here, but for us, it's been a lot of work to get even just to this point, and it feels so good... If only every day could look and feel like this lol. But these are the days that motivate us through the bad weeks right? Maybe one day this will even be the norm instead of the exception (you know... when the kids move out or something lol) It just feels so good to know it's possible and achievable and all the hard work and planning is finally paying off a little. When we first married, I had NO organizational skills at all. Now I am regularly using a menu plan, our toy organization system is amazing, and I can consistently keep at least half the house clean and clutter free at any given point.


Hope everyone else has one of those 'perfect' days sometime this week, whatever that might look like for your family.

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But we have worked out through trial and error what I need and what hinders us. We have changed a lot up the past month, even intentionally doing 3 different plans over 3 different days to get a feel for how each worked for us. 


I love the idea of trying out different schedules on different days to see which one worked best and identifying the things that derail the day. You have great practical problem solving skills.  I will try it myself when we return home from traveling. I am expecting some major problems getting back on schedule with the time change, living with the grandparents, and general exhaustion. Thanks for the tip.

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