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Returning a laptop to Costco


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My son thought he wanted to learn CAD for robotics.  We bought him a $500 laptop to start taking to the class with him.


He downloaded CAD, tried it for about 3 weeks and has decided the computer end of robotics isn't for him.  Now the laptop just sits there and no one uses it for anything.


Costco has a no quests asked 90 day return policy and we are in about day 40 I think.  But it hasn't been touched for a few weeks.


Why do I feel funny about returning it?  I shouldn't, should I?


(and no, we didn't pay for CAD, it is a 1 year student license given to all the robotics participants.)



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Don't.  If that's their policy, just take it back.  I once returned a laptop for a family member to Costco in a very similar situation.  He had bought it to run certain voice software, but after he got it and used it for a week, he realized he needed something different, which he then bought.  I remember I went with him because he had health issues and couldn't communicate well and wanted to make sure someone could talk to them about it if they didn't want to take the return.  But they didn't even say anything, they took it no questions asked.

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That has typically been my experience as well.


I have even offered explanations as to why I am returning things and they just shrug and say it doesn't matter, you can return it.


I haven't returned many things……in fact, I don't think I have ever returned anything that wasn't defective or was food that was spoiled……so this will be the first time I have actually opened and tried something to find that I didn't want to keep it.  I think that is why I feel funny about it.





Don't.  If that's their policy, just take it back.  I once returned a laptop for a family member to Costco in a very similar situation.  He had bought it to run certain voice software, but after he got it and used it for a week, he realized he needed something different, which he then bought.  I remember I went with him because he had health issues and couldn't communicate well and wanted to make sure someone could talk to them about it if they didn't want to take the return.  But they didn't even say anything, they took it no questions asked.


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I agree.  That is why I have never done it.  And actually, Costco did change their return policy on electronics about 3 years ago or so.  It used to be anytime…..now it is 90 days.


However, there is a reason I keep buying from Costco, and this is one big one……so there is that.   





I think you have good reason to feel "funny" for returning a perfectly good item.  I'm not saying you shouldn't return it, but when people over use return policies, they change.  There is only so long a business (even Costco) can keep it up.


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