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Have you ever seen a Little Free Library?


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Well, most LFLs are created by private individuals who are called stewards. Any self-respecting steward wouldn't put up with that, but I supposed if the box were in a park or outside a school, it might not be watched as closely. In most of the stories I've read about LFLs, stewards are on the lookout for porn more than drugs. I don't think it's a real problem (outside of Fifty Shades of Grey and certain passages in romance novels, LOL), honestly, but that's the one concern I've read. I might be hopelessly naive, but I feel like if you can't believe in Little Free Libraries, there's not much you can believe in.


If you haven't seen it yet, the Little Free Libraries of Distinction Pinterest board is utterly wonderful. (You can also see every single one on the Little Free Library Flickr stream.)


I live in a perfect location for a LFL in my yard. I also know that I couldn't monitor a box 24/7. I also know that drugs are an issue in my small town. While I could easily monitor content of book and probably supply books from my own sell pile for a while, I would want to know what my liability would be. I don't think you're naive, it's a wonderful idea. I believe in a lot of things, I also realize the reality of the liability it might create for some areas. 

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I live in a perfect location for a LFL in my yard. I also know that I couldn't monitor a box 24/7. I also know that drugs are an issue in my small town. While I could easily monitor content of book and probably supply books from my own sell pile for a while, I would want to know what my liability would be. I don't think you're naive, it's a wonderful idea. I believe in a lot of things, I also realize the reality of the liability it might create for some areas. 


That's totally fair. (And after all this conversation about risks, I want to see a long-form magazine article like "Dark Secrets of the Little Free Library System!" where people tell their craziest stories about having a box in their yard that attracted strangers!)

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Well, most LFLs are created by private individuals who are called stewards. Any self-respecting steward wouldn't put up with that, but I supposed if the box were in a park or outside a school, it might not be watched as closely. In most of the stories I've read about LFLs, stewards are on the lookout for porn more than drugs. I don't think it's a real problem (outside of Fifty Shades of Grey and certain passages in romance novels, LOL), honestly, but that's the one concern I've read. I might be hopelessly naive, but I feel like if you can't believe in Little Free Libraries, there's not much you can believe in.


If you haven't seen it yet, the Little Free Libraries of Distinction Pinterest board is utterly wonderful. (You can also see every single one on the Little Free Library Flickr stream.)


The LFL that I use (one that I placed a book in just this morning on my walk) is in a "highly trafficked" area (snort!) for my small town:  near a wooden bridge going through the salt marsh.  I think that there are a bunch of us who have adopted it without being official stewards.  If the books need straightening, I do it but they rarely need straightening which has me thinking that other people monitor it as I do.


You know, drugs or other contraband can be placed on the shelves of regular libraries.  That does not keep me away. 


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You know, drugs or other contraband can be placed on the shelves of regular libraries.  That does not keep me away. 



Absolutely, however the library is not private property. I did notice on the site that some people purchase liability insurance for their libraries. My town gets a lot of foot traffic in the good weather. However, many of people walking in the alley behind my house are not out for exercise as it appears there is a drug house on the other block. The police know as they sometimes sit in the parking lot across the street. 


Again, it's a great idea. I saw it somewhere months ago, either here or Pinterest probably. I would love to do one, but I also recognize the mentality of the non-literary people around here. Maybe someday in another town...

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The LFL that I use (one that I placed a book in just this morning on my walk) is in a "highly trafficked" area (snort!) for my small town: near a wooden bridge going through the salt marsh. I think that there are a bunch of us who have adopted it without being official stewards. If the books need straightening, I do it but they rarely need straightening which has me thinking that other people monitor it as I do.


You know, drugs or other contraband can be placed on the shelves of regular libraries. That does not keep me away.


I was thinking about it as a way to fulfill the community engagement piece of my student teacher's portfolio. I was thinking he could work with our construction teacher building it, and student teachers at our feeder schools building ones there. I am sure teachers and librarians would keep them stocked. I would just hate for an elementary school kid to pick up some weed with Knuffle Bunny. But, maybe I am worried for nothing. I will talk to our resource officers about it.

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